Monday, January 19, 2009

xianninG productionZ~

terminAtor pArody - bY xianninG...

oh gosH....he'Z so funnY he mAkez me lAugh and smile so mucH....

xianninG iz not an ordinAry piAnist....wheN you thinK abouT a piAnist, you thinK about a seriouZ persoN weAring nice westerN suitZ/gownZ sitting in fronT of a grAnd piAno and plAying the keyZ seriouzlY.....

buT, xianninG iz a fuN-lovinG younG piAnist who plAyz verY welL, and pretendZ to be the chAracter involVed in the sonG he'Z muZ be fuN to be hiM! ^O^

kudoZ to xianninG~!


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