Wednesday, January 21, 2009

20 jAn 2009

20 jAn 2009 wAz a memorAble dAy......i shouLd hAve blogGed yezterdAy buT anywAyz, 20 jAn 2009 iz phenomenAl bcuZ of:

0. beinG politicAlly actuAlly wAtched the liVe msNbc webcasT of Barack Obama's Inauguration. mY cooL lAb actuAlly ordeRed pizzA, and hooKed uP the computeR to the projectoR in the confereNce rooM and wAtched the Inauguration ceremonY togetheR.........we choZe "hoPe over feAr"....welL, i'M reAlly surpriZed...cuZ the pAtriotism and excitemenT i felT wAz soooooO stronG!!!! *imprezZed* i'M amAzed cuZ....the situAtion bAck hoMe in singApore iz.....welL, hmM, mAybe i wAzn't pAying attentioN durinG the singAporean electionZ/votingZ....

1. i attAined my 1sT A foR mY geneticZ exAm in hopkinZ~!! unblivAble~!! woO~!!!

2. adAm goT hiZ peArl g37 inifinitI~ woO~ he choZe infinitI oveR hondA accoRd couPe - whicH i toLd hiM iz for "uncleZ"...the interioR of hondA accoRd couPe iz incliNed towArdz beinG conservAtive (meAning unclisH)....inifinitI'z perfecT foR hiM~ ^O^

3. i did the silliezT thinG of leAving mY sonY ericssoN w910i in the wAshing mAchine....wheN i retrieVed it, it wAz coldlY'Z stilL dryinG ouT, i hoPe it resurrectZ givinG it a holidAy.......thiZ iz a fArewell gifT froM yiyI (mY brotheR-in-lAw)... *prAy*

4. i digGed into mY olympuZ albuM...and fouNd the followinG 2 photoZ tAken @ weN-妹'z roM....i wAz the eMcee theN...and theze photoZ weRe me pretendinG to plAy the piAno reAlly welL...:

totAlly engrozZed...

i wAz abouT to lAugh actuAlly...

i wilL knoW hoW to plAy the piAno - one dAy!!

p.S.: thinK abouT it....chriztiAnz/cAtholicz all chooZe lotzA hoPe togetheR witH lotzA feAr......hoPe to enteR heAven, and feAr of enterinG helL = logicAl!!


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