Wednesday, January 07, 2009

chineZe chiVe boxeS~

afteR adAm hAppily moved bAck to floridA....i shifTed into the mAzterbed rooM, and my originAl rooM wAz emptY for a fortnighT....untiL dR. Li moved in~!!

dR. Li iz sucH a wonderfuL persoN to hAve arouNd - quieT, polite, neAt, cleAn, rezponsibLe, knowledgeAble, simpLe....woW.

and he'Z the sAme age az mY dAd~!! so i feeL liKe hAving a dAddy around....heH....welL of courZe it'Z differenT...he'z noT my alArm clocK...and he doezn'T cooK for me..... ;P

anywAyz, he doezn'T cooK...buT hiZ wife doeZ! hiZ fAmily iz actuAlly in new hiZ wife wouLd cooK a week'Z supplY of food for dR. Li to stocK in the fridGe......

and the firsT night he arriVed, he gAve me theze chiVe boxeS whicH hiZ wife mAde...he sAid hiZ appetiTe wAzn't good so he gAve me all 6 chineZe chiVe boxeS......

the chineZe chive boxeS~!!!

so lonG hAve i not eAten hoMe-cooKed food....i meAn, cooKed bY soMe pArentz.....thougH not my muM, buT i felT the differeNce betweeN theM and the coLd sAndwiches i so ofteN mAke everydAy for myseLf................... >.<

i thAnk dR. Li...i'M glAd to hAve him arouNd now! witH a quAlified nice doctoR in the houZe...i feeL sAfer! hahAaa...

i hoPe hiZ appetiTe growZ betteR...i cAught hiM cookinG a smAll pAcket of instAnt noodleZ 2 consecutiVe nightZ and i toLd hiM thAt'z bAd...and juZ eAt the nice food hiZ wife stocKed for hiM...he juZ lAughed...

dR. Li iz froM beijinG and hiZ mAndarin iz fAzt~!! i guezZ my mAndarin wilL surelY improVe witH tiMe.....hahAa...thAt'z the conclusioN qiN (mY lAndlord) and me hAd....

smilinG...and missinG mY pArentz' cookinG...


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