requieM foR mY piAno dreAm...
xiAnning iz a youtubeR i cAme acrozZ verY recentlY and i'm imprezZed by hiM!
he'Z a very humorouZ boY, and he plAyz the piAno verY welL....:
"requieM foR a dreAm"...
the otheR nighT, i mAde the greAtezt youtuBe dizcoverY - lypuR. hiZ actuAl nAme iz andreW, and he'Z a piAno teAcher in professioN, and he teAchez piAno on youtuBe toO! he'Z a dreAm come tRue..., bcuZ siNce i wAz very verY youNg (liKe lezZ thAn 5?), i alwAyz dreAmt of leArning and plAying the piAno....buT i cAnnot affoRd it, not eveN now.......heNce, andrew'Z sucH a youtuBe wondeR! and reAd hiZ storY abouT hiZ pericArditiz experieNce - i'M so glAd he surviVed, and i'lL prAy for hiZ heAlth...
bcuZ of andreW, i so wAnted to purchAze the yamahA yPd s30 (a digitAl piAno whicH seemZ cooL!) righT awAy and stArt leArning througH all hiZ lessonZ....
i wisH i hAve thiZ!! buT now'Z not the tiMe....
i do hAve the cAsh righT noW....buT theN hurdlinG thoughtZ of mY overwhelminG courZework, lAbwork, and mY nTu bankloAn supprezZed my piAno dreAm..........
i anAlyzed witH hAng-ni-mah (biG brotheR in koreAn, and thiZ referZ to kihyucK), and we concluded thAt i shouLd not buY anythinG noW, i shouLd focuZ on cleAring alL courZework, and sAving to returN mY bankloAn.......and theN finAlly i cAn focuZ on my reseArch az welL az fulfiL mY piAno dreAm - thiZ iz the moZ sensibLe situAtion.
perhApz i shouLd begiN witH andrew'Z lessonZ to leArn the bAsicz of piAno....liKe the numberinG of the fingerZ.....the key nAmez......and reAding the scoRe.......and i knoW there'Z a grAnd piAno in the hopkinZ hozpitAl whicH adAm uzed to prActise witH................
mY piAno dreAm iz blurrY....buT it wilL eventuAlly mAterialize, cuZ i wilL persisT on. ^o^
wheN wilL the piAno becoMe my frieNd..?
he'Z a very humorouZ boY, and he plAyz the piAno verY welL....:
"requieM foR a dreAm"...
the otheR nighT, i mAde the greAtezt youtuBe dizcoverY - lypuR. hiZ actuAl nAme iz andreW, and he'Z a piAno teAcher in professioN, and he teAchez piAno on youtuBe toO! he'Z a dreAm come tRue..., bcuZ siNce i wAz very verY youNg (liKe lezZ thAn 5?), i alwAyz dreAmt of leArning and plAying the piAno....buT i cAnnot affoRd it, not eveN now.......heNce, andrew'Z sucH a youtuBe wondeR! and reAd hiZ storY abouT hiZ pericArditiz experieNce - i'M so glAd he surviVed, and i'lL prAy for hiZ heAlth...
bcuZ of andreW, i so wAnted to purchAze the yamahA yPd s30 (a digitAl piAno whicH seemZ cooL!) righT awAy and stArt leArning througH all hiZ lessonZ....
i wisH i hAve thiZ!! buT now'Z not the tiMe....
i do hAve the cAsh righT noW....buT theN hurdlinG thoughtZ of mY overwhelminG courZework, lAbwork, and mY nTu bankloAn supprezZed my piAno dreAm..........
i anAlyzed witH hAng-ni-mah (biG brotheR in koreAn, and thiZ referZ to kihyucK), and we concluded thAt i shouLd not buY anythinG noW, i shouLd focuZ on cleAring alL courZework, and sAving to returN mY bankloAn.......and theN finAlly i cAn focuZ on my reseArch az welL az fulfiL mY piAno dreAm - thiZ iz the moZ sensibLe situAtion.
perhApz i shouLd begiN witH andrew'Z lessonZ to leArn the bAsicz of piAno....liKe the numberinG of the fingerZ.....the key nAmez......and reAding the scoRe.......and i knoW there'Z a grAnd piAno in the hopkinZ hozpitAl whicH adAm uzed to prActise witH................
mY piAno dreAm iz blurrY....buT it wilL eventuAlly mAterialize, cuZ i wilL persisT on. ^o^
wheN wilL the piAno becoMe my frieNd..?
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