Monday, February 20, 2006

mY pApermate erAcer...!!!!

oH my gosH!!

looK...!!!!!!!! :

hahAaa right now i aM smilinG from eAr to eAr.....i am trulY so hAppy thAt i finAlly own a "pen erAser" agAin...hmM, specificAlly the "Papermate Eracer"!!!!

i remeMber losinG my originAl Papermate Eracer....wheN i dropped it during a lectuRe, theN it perisHed juZ within a fAst 2 hrz! thAT wAz maybe abt....1 mth+ bAck....and siNce then, i hAve been seArching all over Singapore...for anotheR Papermate Eracer. i looKed and asked all stAtionery shoPz i came across....theN i resorted to emailing Papermate company....they forwarded mY mAil from one countrY to anotheR, then to mAlaysia...and finAlly to the distributoR of Singapore. finAlly i manAged to cAll the locAl Papermate sAlez rep....sAdly she sAid it iz not mArketed in Singapore anymore...........thAt meAnz it iz locAlly extincT!!!! ;(

thiZ iz the phoTo i trAced from the officiAl Papermate websiTe....

afteR all thiZ trAcing...*felT like a stAtionery privAte investigAtor*...and afteR all the mirthZ from Adrian and Alex and ZS...i reAlised that it iz mArketed as "Papermate Eracer" instead of "Papermate Erase it" in the Asia Pacific Region. sigH....isn'T Singapore within the regioN? why did Papermate exclude Singapore? eveN the sAlez rep couldn'T answer me....

afteR dAyz of seArching....e-mailing....cAlling..........all thAt Singapore bkshoPz sell are OMNI....Pentel...some other weiRd brAndz....theN i finAlly dizcoveRed thAt one of my friends got accepted by SIA az an aiR stewardess at our KTV-mAjong sessioN! secreTly....i plAnned to ask her to get for me from whereveR in the worLd she would flY to....but she will begiN flying only in juNe.....*prepAred for the long wAit*

howeveR, remeM. my v nice classmAte who recentlY helPed me trAce my mini iomegA thumbdriVe, ZY?? he kneW i am looking for my deArest pApermate erAcer...he eveN asked me to e-mAil him the querY phoTo cuZ hiZ mum'Z friend deAls in the stAtionery businezZ....felT he wAz keeN to helP......theN, surprisinglY, he gAve me one todAy!!!! hahAaa! me feeL thAt thiZ iz a lovely presenT dropPed from the skY!!!!!!!!!!

wheN ZY msGed me juZ now....tellinG me abT showing me somethinG....v fAst one....i wAz curiouZ if it would be some nice phoToz/vidZ of fAiry geeGee...;P i agReed to meet hiM in the lobbY...anywAy i wAz fAlling asleep in lAb office...theN he pAssed me a bulginG whiTe enveloPe....and dA-duH!!!!!!!!!!! inside wAz thiZ yelloW Papermate Eracer!!!!

i cAnnot stop smilinG eveN until now....hahAaa....

ZY sAid he boughT it at thiZ v oooLooo littLe bkshoP ard beAuty worLd....and he sAid there iz anotheR liMe greeN one, onlY 2 lefT!!! he choSe the yelloW one whicH looKed nicer! greAt choice dude cuZ i condemNed greeN eveR siNce i left sAf....;P i wilL tAke greAt cAre of my neW yelloW bAby!! shAll i chAin it liKe my iomegA mini?? ^O^

i loVe my neW yelloW Papermate Eracer~!!!!!! ^o^

mAybe you would wonder why i aM so stubborN and mAddish over sucH simpLe stAtionery. i knoW why i am, it'Z cuZ i am sentimentAl towArdz whAt i owN.....especiAlly for the certAin stAtionery thAt i use.....some i owNed (and am stilL owninG) for a very lonG tiMe....siNce primAry school....thougH theY hAve aGed alot...abiT spoilT...scrAtched....fAded prinTz...or whAtever....i stilL uZe them....they aRe mY old silenT friendz...mAybe you will not understAnd....but i bliVe if you feeL sentimentAl towArdz anythinG around you, iT will reciprocAte how you feeL! i gottA be mAd to sAy eveN if iT iz scientificAlly defiNed az non-livinG! hmM, i am juZ ultrA focY lAh.....anywAyz, iT mAy not stAy with you.....liKe my losT blAck Papermate Eracer......but you will stilL remembeR it....liKe i do, siNce it hAz beeN with me siNce i wAz so so so younG....^o^

i hoPe my preV blAck pApermate erAcer is hAving a new owneR who treAsurez it liKe i tAke good cAre cuZ i losT you.....ok? plZ forgiVe me...... =.=

ah.........i am reAlly so so so hAppy!!! i loVe my neW yelloW Papermate Eracer~!!!!!!!!

thAnkz thAnkz greAt guy = ZY!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy....


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