Saturday, January 03, 2009

the bLue pigleT...

mY exAm periodZ are usuAlly filLed witH the weirdezT dreAmz...

i tooK a nAp juZ now...and wheN i woKe i felT so weiRd, thiZ iz a dreAm whicH i remembeRed...cuZ the bLue pigleT wAz so viVid since i wAz holdinG it...

fouNd thiZ froM googLe imAge...theN i swApped the colorZ froM rgB to brG...

somehoW, dreAmz are mAde up of incompleTe pieceZ of scenArioz jigsAwed strAngely welL togetheR thAt flowZ smoothlY......eveN if theY don'T mAke senZe?

welL i remembeR the followinG 5 dreAmy propertieZ:

1. settinG: i wAz aztroprojecTed to my junioR highschooL dAyz in singApore...buT i do feeL liKe 25 cuZ i do knoW i'M a grAduate studenT in my dreAm.. (see the contrAdicting fActz?)

2. fArmhouze: i wAz helpinG out in a fArmhouze owNed bY thiZ oLd mAn (thinK iz cAucasian)...welL i cAnnot remembeR hiZ fAce now... buT i moved crAtez arouNd the bArnyard...come oN, i wilL neveR hAve sucH strengtH in reAlity...

3. coloRed pigletZ: az a rewArd he gAve me 3 pigletZ - 2 red and 1 bLue...theY are trulY cuTe!! and reAl...i meAn, theY looK liKe toyZ buT theY weRe genuiNe...i remembeR the fArm owneR sAid i'M luckY siNce the bLue one iz reAlly rAre!! theY are so cuTe theY skiP arouNd...!!

4. buS #225: i wAz tAking theM hoMe and thiZ girL (a chineZe and i'Ve neveR meT her befoRe buT she hAz a sweet smiLe!) wAz witH me.....we weRe on the buS #225 (whicH i need to tAke to go hoMe bAck in singApore)....

5. gigAntic eggZ: i stoRed the pigletZ in gigAntic eggZ durinG trAnzportation...and i eveN lefT a sliT for theM to breAthe?! i remembeR seeinG the bLue piglet'Z skiN througH the sliT...

befoRe i slepT...i mAde nice noodleZ for myseLf...and befoRe thAt i wenT to the lAb...and befoRe thAt adAm cAlled me to chAt - yeZ, he'Z @ the beAch agAin....i mizZ the beAch - anY nice beAch~!!!! all otheR timeZ - studY geneticZ!!

duH...sucH a normAl dAy witH an abnormAl dreAm~~~

bLue pigletilY~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, even ur dream are related to ur field of studies. Relax wor!

8:14 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said... meAn geneticAlly modifY the pigZ to becoMe red and bLue? heH.... so imAginative! ^o^

10:18 AM  

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