Sunday, July 29, 2007

pizzA cheeZe foNdue!!

the deliciouZ pizzA!!! looK at the miNi reservoiR of cheeZe foNdue in the middLe...thiZ iz tAken by creAmy, and she reAlly hAz steAdy hAndz...she voluNteered to photogrAph it cuZ she sAid by the tiMe i'M doNe witH photogrAphy, it will be coLd liAo...hahAa...

meT uP witH creAmy 2 dAyz bAck...and we diNed around where she liVed...@ the siglAp pizzA huT!!! we decided to eAt it siNce we so wAnted to trY the cheeZe foNdue meAl...and it hAz beeN liKe >0.5yr siNce the lAst tiMe we aTe pizzA, which wAz @ the bedoK brAnch.

anywAy...we added 6 buckZ to chAnge the pizzA meAl froM regulAr siZe to lArge!! hahAa...and it wAz so fillinG...and so nice!!! the regulAr siZe iz juZ too smAll lAh...

the outleT hAz a nice ambienT...the wArm soothinG lightinG froM the orAnge shAde lampz setz the plAce for a nice chAt. alSo, we requested to siT at the coucH seAt, whicH iz comfY and spAciouz...compAred to the 2-seAter they gAve uz initiAlly...whicH iz so crAmpy!!

afteR the meAl...we tooK cAndid shotz of ourselVez bY plAcing the cAmera on the chilLi flAkez shAker funnY, i loVe the one where we forMed a crozZ with the forK and kNife...and looKed angrY.....heH...buT creAmy sAid don'T posT the it'Z for our personAl viewinG pleAsure onlY. heH!!!

oH, and creAmy tooK a shoT with her slApper too! the losT-and-fouNd-afteR-5000-blinkZ slApper....^O^

creAmy juZ returNed to singApore from sAn frAncisco a couple of weekZ bAck...and tooK uP her shorT cAreer az a tourisT. hahAa...buT she juZ commeNced her cAreer with Citibank...whicH i joKed about az the bAnk thAt washes all the flooR to keeP the flooR cleAn...cuZ "citi" iz roughlY anAlogouz to "xi di"...whicH iz the han yu piN yiN for 洗地 = wAsh/moP the flooR!!! so tougH loH heR joB....hahAaa...

thiZ iz the very deliciouZ chocolAte she boughT froM US and gAve severAl pieces to me.


s.H.e "plAy" 庆功 fuN pArty!!!

me ofteN refeR the bubblY tAiwaneze poP femAle tRio S.H.E az the snAke girlZ!!

bcuZ....S.H.E = han yu pin yiN for 蛇 = the snAke girlZ!! ;P

anywAy...i got 2 ticketZ froM M1 for theiR fRee fuN pArty...whicH hAppened yezterdAy froM 830pM to 930pM!!

woo Hoo~~~ thiZ iz the 1sT tiMe i meT theM for liVe...and theY are cooL indeed!!! thougH i onlY see theM az ~2cM figurineZ from so so sooo fAr...buT luckilY got the projectoR screeN...

quiTe tirinG....luckilY onlY ~ 1hR, if not it will be exhAusting...cuZ i wAz prActically stAnding on the chAir throughouT!! heH....

theY onlY sAng songZ from their currenT albuM titLed "plAy"...and theY are celebrAting cuZ they sold > 25k copieZ in our tinY singAporean islAnd...heH, thinK our islAndic mArket iz microscopiC to theM...buT reAlly glAd they still heLd one fRee concert for uz!! noW i'M repeAting 2 of theM...see:

thiZ iz 中国话...whicH iz verY rAppy....and kindA tRue, cuZ the Chineze iz risinG!! hahAaa...everyone shoLd leArn how to speAk mAndarin..especiAlly if we are of Chineze rAce....thoZe who are Chineze but do not know Chineze well shouLd fAce the wAll and repenT foreveR....duH!!!

thiZ iz 听袁惟仁弹吉他...a very meAningful song abouT song'Z tRue thAt the field of musiC composinG iz very vAgue and intAngible...

anywAyz, i wenT witH zhZ...whoM i knoW loveZ the snAke girlZ alot....reAlly!! it thoughT of givinG the tix to hiM once i got theM...and he'z reAlly strezzed ouT with hiz cAreer now....hoPe for the besT for hiM bAh...oH, and he iz the one who cAnnot stAnd my typinG with thiZ "brokeN keyboArd" styLe....hahAaa....thAt'z why he onlY manAges to reAd a couple of senteNces and thAt'z it everytiMe...;P

thiZ iz the tickeT!!!! see!! froM lefT to righT...selinA, ellA, and the prettiesT heBe....all crAdled sAfely in my lefT hAnd...hahAaa...

thiZ wAz a bluR vieW from wheRe i sAt. pAthetic right? heH....but fRee leH, whAt to expecT?

buT....i wAz reAlly dizgusted whiLe wAz quite orgAnized, but the people wHo queued very eArly thAt dAy threW trAsh all over the wAiting area....DIZGUSTING!!!!!

looK....i wAz so disAppointed...hoW cAn we progrezZ to becoMe a grAceful develoPed countrY? duH.....peopLe who cAme to wAtch the snAke girlz should belonG mAinly the educAted younGsterz.....buT stilL....sigH!!!

i loVe 听袁惟仁弹吉他...

moRe food reviewZ!! juZ publisHed 2 more food revieWz @ TLK..!

both feAturez indonesiAn food...

the 1sT one iz the Riverside Indonesian BBQ. whicH wAz introduced to me severAl yearz bAck by thiZ SAF drivinG courZe buddY nAmed dAniel!!! glAd he manAged to continue hiZ studiez...@ SIM now. anywAy...i visiTed it witH creAmy when we wAtched trAnzformerz togetheR some tiMe bAck. ^o^

the 2nd one iz the Ayam Penyet reztAurant...visited it a coupLe of weekz bAck witH the aztro gAng!!

ooopZ...i also publisHed a negAtive review on the MRT Waiting'z juZ too slipperY!!

hAil to the locAl kinG!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

the koalA brotherZ!

looK!! they'Re the koalA brotherZ!! hahAaa...okoK, thiZ iz another preschooleR TV show on kidZ centrAl....and it showz on weekdAyz 130pm, juZ before blue'Z clueZ!! ;P

it'Z mAde to inculcAte good vAluez into young kidz...and mAinly, the theMe iz to be helpfuL all the tiMe...juZ like the koalA brotherZ...who flY ard in theiR jeTplane thingie to help their friendZ in the Auztralian outbAck!!

thiZ iz theM...on theiR yelloW plAne~

and thiZ iz them.....hmM, wAz it winteR?

anywAyz...i wAtch it cuZ koalA'z my fAve animAl...heH!!

checK out theiR officiAl UK site @ for gAmez and more info...

alSo, it'z filMed using stop-motioN techniquez...whicH iz reAlly very tiMe consuminG!!!!

koalA ruleZ~~~

illZ iz ilL....

see! i gottA tAke theze obedientlY....

beeN meetinG uP witH dR. ooI and hiZ nurZe ireNe quite frequentlY lAtely...and well theY are nice ppL....buT seeing theM meAns i feeL unwelL. duH....whAT a paradoX.

i felT unwelL yezterdAy...froM a slighT fLu. and quicklY wenT dowN to seeK sAlvage from deArezt dR. ooI...

i reAlly wannA recoveR fAst to enjoY my jB feAsting thiZ cominG sAt.!! ;P

prAy for speedY recoverY...

blue'Z clueZ!!!

oK...thiZ iz a fuN kidz shoW on kid'Z centrAl...weekdAyz @ 2pM!! thAt would be after the koalA brotherz whicH iz @ 130pM...

blue'Z wikipediA dezcribed it...iz for preschoolerZ. hahahAaa..and me az a 23+ undergrAd kindA enjoY wAtching it!!! ;P

Blue iz a doG....who iz blue in coloR. theN her owneR iz thiZ guy cAlled Steve. thinK it'z a UK progrAm...teAching kidz how to interAct more.

it'Z an interActive show....feAturing steVe and bLue...witH bLue, who iz a doG and doesn'T know how to speAk humAn lAnguage....givinG cluez to steVe witH her bLue pAw printz for steVe to guezZ whAt she'z tryinG to tell hiM! quiTe cuTe cuZ steVe will preteNd to tAlk to the audieNce askinG them to helP hiM fiNd the clueZ.

eveytiMe steVe findz a cLue, he will put it in hiZ hAndy-dAndy notebooK! a collectioN of 3 clueZ will alloW hiM to go to hiZ thinkinG chAir to thinK of bLue'z msG!!!

there'Z also the funnY mAil tiMe.....cuZ "everytiMe i get the juZ wannA mAke me wAil....mAil......." ;P

thiZ iz bLue!! cuTe righT?

thiZ iz steVe tAlking to bLue....;P

and bLue haz a frieNd...mAgenta, who iz a doG in mAgenta colouR. she cAme for a visiT in yezterdAy'z episode and theY tooK photoz togetheR....

i thinK, beinG a kid iz the mosT wonderfuL thinG anyone cAn ever experieNce. ;)


i mizZed princezZz' convocAtion!!

fouNd thiZ cuTe pict. froM googLe....

hAil to the princezZ of juronG eAst (yiweN) and bukiT panjanG (meihuA)!!!!

heY sorrY for missing out on youR convocAtionz 3 dAyz bAck....i wAz on the trAin @ queenstowN alreAdy wheN Alison called me @ 530pm.....okoK, perhApz i drAgged time at hoMe wAtching blue'z cLuez on kidz centrAl etc...cuZ i thoughT convoz will tAke so lonG......heH. ;P

anywAyz...i figured out thAt there'z no reAson for you ppL to wAit for me i mizZed photo-ing witH you all the royAl grAduation photo!!! sigH.....

so sorrY!!! we looK forwArd to reliveN the royAl photo nexT yeAr julY ok??? i would be weAring my robe toO....heH prAy for everythinG to be smootH sAiling!!! ^O^


iz thiZ SMS trustAble?

quotinG a SMS froM aleX...:

"A 1-yr old boy named Isaac Lam Wei En from KKH Ward 71 needs B+ blood for treatment for a type of blood cancer. Interested donors pls go to National Blood Centre to donate your blood to him. Do help to pass this msg srd. Thanks!"

thiZ iz not the 1sT time i've seeN thiZ kind of you thinK it'z trustAble?

anAlysing it....reveAlz specific name and wArd number...and we could verifY simplY by cAlling KKH. buT iz it necessAry?

anywAyz....blood donAtion iz greAt....buT i'Ve never donAted blood before. not thAt i'M afrAid of seeing blood or'z cuZ i thinK i'M not a very heAlthy persoN, i don'T alwAyz eAt good food....and who knoWz whAt strAnge illnezz i mAY hAve judginG from my recentlY quite frequenT heArt/chezT pAinz? heNce....i alwAyz hold bAck on blood donAtion dezpite knowinG how greAt it iz...

luckilY mY blood tyPe of A+ iz not ultrA rAre..... ;P

oK, i spreAd the SMS herebY viA my bloG....

prAy for isaAc'z recoverY!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

tAngle of the suN & the mooN~

wenT to pS cArrefour juZ now...and grAbbed mY 2nd tAngle!!! i thoughT of buyinG an identicAl colouR combi to mY 1sT tAngle...but theN i choZe a neW colouR combi insteAd. ;P

i wAz scourinG and scAvaging in the tAngle boX...and the cAshier (surprisinglY the sAme indiAn girL who sAw me and creAmy doing the sAme thing lAst wed.!!) wAz smilinG agAin....i wondeR if she recognizez me siNce i chAnged my hAirstyle. i thinK she doez...hahAaa...

anywAy, after i pAid...i asKed her if theze were the onlY tAnglez they hAve, and she asKed me to checK the one on level 1 (i wAz @ level B2) counterz...and i cAn even exchAnge if i wAnt.....welL i zooMed upstAirz...and theRe wazn't more interestinG colouR combiZ....heH~

heRe it iz...i stArted with explorinG the pAckaging...

proudlY presentinG mY 2nd tAngle!!!

the bAck vieW of the pAckage...see! it'z froM the clAssicz seriez...and froM the toP right clAimz to "mAke you hAppy"!!

there'Z thiZ comiX thingie included...welL whAt zayzaY sAid here mAkez seNze.....the more bdAyz you hAve, the longeR you liVe....lAmely tRue.

the flipside of the comiX thingie also introducez tAngly peopLe from the tAngleonia dimensioN!!! woW....the whoLe dimensioN only got 6 ppL? ;P

heRe it iz!!! freshlY out of the pAckage!!!! hahAa....the colouR combi noW remindZ me of stellA insteAd!! she'Z the bloNd princezZ of solAria!! also the fAiry and princezZ of the suN and the mooN from the wiNx cLub!!! heRe she iz....

stellA befoRe trAnzformation into a fAiry...

stellA after attAining enchAntix! yelloW...orAnge...purpLe...see the resemblAnce to my new tAngle? ^O^

and i combiNed it witH my preV. "tecnA"'Z liKe theiR poweR convergeNce where the fAiries combiNe their wiNx.......;P

me so hAppy tAngling...!!


Monday, July 16, 2007

the suN princezZ...

the suN princezZ often wanderZ off to the beAch and looKz fAr out into the oceAn...lookinG for herseLf....thAt'z whAt she doez wheN she'z on josteiN gAarder'z solitAire myztery'Z mAgic islAnd...

howeveR, on the sunnY islAnd of singApore...the suN princezZ of juronG blowZ bubbleZ wheNever she'z fRee.....enjoyinG the rAinbow-coloured bubbleZ flutteR arouNd her....and wheN they bursT, she will wondeR if her existeNce iz identicAl to the bubbleZ......thiZ compleX philosophicAl parAdox vexes iz existeNce reAl or trAnsient or whAtever....she quicklY stopz ponderinG deepeR and juZ keepz blowinG more and moRe bubbleZ!!!

the suN princezZ cAught in the act of blowinG bubbleZ!!! yoZ girL....turN arouNd and smiLe!!!

duh duH!! the prettY suN princezZ plAying with a spArkle after soMe seriouZ philosophicAl bubblinG....i guezZ she got fed uP wonderinG about whAt life reAlly iz... thgiR? ;P

anywAyz...i receiVed a SMS froM her thiZ eveninG...about her sighTing a nice heArty cLoud...and the appeArance of a rAinbow behind it......woW!!! i would tAke out mY all-tiMe-reAdy cAmera and snAp shotz of sucH a beAutiful sight......welL, the suN princezZ did so toO....buT with heR mentAllic cAmera!!

she develoPed thiZ mentAl imAge froM her mentAllic cAmera for me uzinG "pAint"!! hahAaa....thAnkz ah!! i cAn totAlly visuAlize whAt she sAw...

i wondeR if she remembeRz thiZ pAperbag? she filLed it witH snAckz and stickerZ and gAve it to me for fuN...and now, do you recogniZe the strikinG resemblAnce witH whAt she sAw? a rAinbow behiNd a cLoud....whAt a beAutiful coincideNce!! it'Z an actuAl mAterialisation of a previouZ grAphical pictuRe...hmM....iz thiZ too mucH of a coiNcideNce? cuZ it'z an unconsciouz similAr gifT of a cLoudy imAge from the sAme princezZ...okoK, i need the rAinbow sodA....buT heY! i refuZe to consuMe it......i do not wAnt my senseZ dulLed...

recAlling......a coupLe of weekz bAck, she arrAnged theze smAll stickerz into a christmAz tree and toLd me it'z heR fAve. feztivAl. theN she tooK thiZ photogrAph...heH. how am i suppoZed to fiNd the circuZ merry-go-rouNd horsie for heR?!

i suppoZe thiZ iz a cLoud photo tAken bY the suN princezZ...wheN she wAz hAving fuN @ sentosA or somethinG.....not v suRe buT i juZ know thiZ iz a verY beAutiful photo....i herebY nAme it "the wispY edGe"....^o^

the suN princezZ iz indeed creAtive and arttY...and iz a very livelY and fuN-lovinG princezZ..!! juZ liKe the princezZez froM wiNx club!! ;P

wiNx ruleZ...!!!

no moRe nice tAnglez?

sigH....went arouNd seArching for neW and niceR colouR combiz of tAnglez.....

so i wenT to the toyZ'R'uz @ tAmpinez mAll...and thiZ time the counteR girL hAsn't eveN heArd of tAngle, nor seeN it before....cuZ i presenTed miNe to her! heY....i sAw it on thier websiTe loH....don'T try to plAy ard with some guY who reseArches before shoppinG...

anywAyz....she asKed me to checK out the "leArning" and "fAmily fuN" sectionz of the stoRe. welL, i did manAge to find severAl tAnglez.....but they're mucH pricieR compAred to cArrefour!! the sAme shoP iz S$2.90, the other shoP sellz @ S$4.95.....duH right? and thiZ iz the clAssic versioN....for the metAllic it'z even worze. S$4.90 for cArrefour, and S$6.95 for thiZ store...totAlly "biG qnZ mArked" toyZ'R'uz........

theN i proceeded to the cArrefour @ lAst hope in seArch of more tAnglez!! theY were eitheR left witH 2 clAssicz witH weird coloR combiZ....or only metAllicz. the metAllicz are so beAutiful....but imprActical cuZ the metAllic coAt wearz off eAsily.

howeveR, the cAshier @ cArrefour seemed more interested in tAngle....hahAa...i could tell froM her eyez she plAyed with it before too! cuZ she waz smiling widely wheN i dezcribed thAt it iz wrApped in a smAll triAngular trAnslucent plAztic cAsing....

perhApz i should returN to cArrefour @ pS to buY one more identicAl tAngle i currentlY hAve...juZ for fuN. ;P


Sunday, July 15, 2007

tAngle - mY neW toY~

wAz shoppinG @ pS with creAmy after wAtching trAnzformerz with her lAst wed....and we hAppened to enteR cArrefour.

theN....@ the cAshier counteR, i wAz intrigued by thiZ toY cAlled "tAngle"....there wAz a dizplAy set so i plAyed with it....whiLe creAmy wAz paying for her drinK.

theN she cAme to me thereafteR and gAve me thAt "i biG qnZ mArk you" fAce....hahAaa...

welL, we rusHed for our movie...and returNed to buY one tAngle!!

thiZ iz the one i boughT!! and thiz iz a clAssic seriez...junioR size. the colouR combi remindZ me of tecnA...the fAiry of IT froM winX cluB!!!

tecnA befoRe attaininG enchAntix...

tecnA afteR attAining enchAntix...!!!

so whAt'z a tAngle? iz a toY, which you cAn twist and turN for fuN!! it'z a puzzLe....a strezZ accessorY........a whAtever!!! i cAn't dezcribe welL....see the officiAl site for a plethorA of informAtion. and it iz touTed to be psychologicAlly therapeutiC az welL.....woW.

ripPed the following 2 .gifz froM the officiAl site...looK at how the tAngle can twisT and turN....withouT being tAngled!

izn'T it wonderfuL? i'M kindA besotted witH it.....gonnA checK out the suntec cArrefour for more colouR combinAtionz....and also i checKed the Vivocity toyz'R'uz todAy...and theY rAn out of stocK for tAngle.....duH!!!!

reAlly fuN...and i liKe it weAr it on my hAnd or my leg...hahAa...trY spottinG it on me nexT time you meeT me!


welcoMe bAck to me!!

yAy!! i juZ visiTed zikziK and retrieVed creAmy'z slApper from her houZe!!

finAlly....after 5000 blinkZ and a seArch journeY froM bedoK to sengkAng....i got it bAck!! hahA....not gonnA velcRo it on my ziNc'z slinG strAp anymore, i'M gonnA keep it sAfe inside my bAg!!! ^o^

mAde an appointment with keNo to chAnge my imAge lAter too! he suggesTed for me to dYe my hAir? buT i thinK i will not.........for whAt?! i'M a Chineze and i am proud to be a Chineze. Chineze should hAve nice blAck hAir right? anywAyz my muM doezn't want me to dYe my hAir too. ^o^

wondeR whAt my new imAge will be liKe....and to Vic....who cAnnot stAnd my current hairstyLe, you shAll see!!! behoLd....a neW illZ looK~~~


Thursday, July 12, 2007

the royAl pArtyworld sessioN~

it wAz a greAt eveninG on 9tH julY 2007....and we the royAl lAbberz decided to dizguize ourselVez az commonerZ and visiT the clemenTi pArtyworld for a ktV sessioN!!!!!

hahAaa.....a dAngerouz missioN, but a fuN and adventurouZ one az we ventuRed into the very secluded rooM numbeR 28 on the 3rd flooR....and juZ around the toilet whicH hAz a very "vAgue" dooR. ;P

it wAz so fuN...and at the end of it, we decided to tAke group photoZ............:

theRe! froM left to righT.....the princezZ of juronG eAst, the suN princezZ, the priNcezz of bukit panjanG.....and me, the priNce of bedoK nortH (weAring specz)...

uz agAin!!!! sAme positionZ.....and the onlY vitAl difference wAz, welL, i tooK off my specZ for thiZ photo....a differeNce vitAl enough righT? ;P

and yeT another phoTo......see! i kneW we hAve hiddeN speciAl powerz within uZ....whicH we cAn't controL sometimeZ....or most of the tiMe....look cArefully!!!! we hAve the poweR to attAin trAnslucency........while tAking cAn see the sofA througH uz.......

and i anAlyzed some "suspectiVe" regionZ in the previouZ phoTo......

so, were we tAking royAl photoz of uz onlY, or mAybe an unknowN number of visitorZ cAme to lizten to our royAl singinG performAnce??? hahAaahhaa....uP to you to imAgine!!!!!!


the royAl lAbberz..!!!

remeM. my nAtional runwAy entry...? i sAid i'll posT a cooL pict. of all the lAbby bikerz from Yiwen'z cAmera...and here it iz!!

tAken before we begAn our bikeY journeY!!

oH i mizz all lAbberz leH! v fuN lAbbing loH....hahAa.....anywAyz, along the wAy....some of uz hAve adopTed nickz and "royAl" identitieZ....and i shAll intro ourselveZ...refeR to the bikeR photo oK...

froM left to righT:
Xie Yi = "goldeN" boY = mY sHi fu~ ^o^; lAh = pollY = priNce of bedoK nortH = hybRid of jAck and jokeR;
alisoN = hollY;
yvonNe = felicitY = queeN of juronG wesT = ace of heArtz = suN princezZ;
meihuA = priNcezz of bukiT pAnjang;
yiweN = priNcezz of juronG eAst;
jAyne = grAndmother of toh guAn = the emprezZ dowAger of toh guAn!!!;
elynN (returninG to lAb sooN...surelY will adopT some kindA nice nicK ahhAa..) and yvonNe have the moz nickZ....;P

anotheR photo we tooK @ the eunoZ trAins stAtion while queueing for the shuttLe buZ~

thiZ iz drAwn by attAchment student. she'z a cArtoonist!!! and she dreW thiZ for alisoN for her bdAy....i'M the secoNd one from the lefT on the toP roW!

noTe the secoNd guY on the bottoM roW....thAt'z priTpal~ he mentioNed before he doezn't wAnt hiz phoTo to be uploAded onto any websiTe....and luckY i remembeR........cuZ i hAve thiZ v nice photo we tooK @ cAfe iguAna......buT cAnnot uploAd cuZ i muZ obeY priTpal'z rule~ ^O^

a zooM into the cArtoonic versioN of me~~~ sherrY got mY hAir righT! ;P

aH thiZ iz agathA and me! all of uz were plAying with spArklerz in the afternooN to celebrAte alison'Z'z strAnge thAt i cAn't find the photo i tooK of agathA with rivAn on her shouldeR....will posT it wheN i find it ok? thAt one'z much cuter!

anywAy...agathA'z the girL whoM i accompAnied to SGH the nAtional eye centRe and meT with Dr. Tina Wong....hahAa....if you remember. agathA'z reAlly stressed righT now.....for her mAzterz presentAtion thingie.....and she'z reAl nice to hAng out witH! hahAaa....and we are botH fAnz of the boobZ whizperer! oooopZ, i meAnt...the ghosT whizpereR!

thiz iz a thAnk-you cAke from agathA bAck in feb 2007.....i forgoT whAt it wAz for....buT i kindA helPed her with something..and she boughT a neAt cAke for me! shouldn'T be breAdtalk....but cAketalk insteAd! i aTe it in the pAntry theN....;P

proudlY presentinG hollY akA alisoN!!! she'z mY besT "discipLe" whoM i hAve "trAined"...she hAz the highesT poweR to tolerAte my lAmenezz on winX and chArmed and x-meN.......hahAaa....behoLd the drAgonfire!!! and the astroprojectioN!!! and bewAre....cuZ "it'z gonnA get reAl coLd in here"..........


the locAl kinG...!!

one dAy, a coupLe of weekz bAck......i receiVed an e-mAil from a guy.....cAlled JF...who reAlly lookz liKe wilbeR pAn wei bO....

and he inviTed me to be a revieweR on thiZ website cAlled the locAl kinG!!

i wAz very surpriZed leH.....cuZ in the mAil he sAid thAt i couLd revieW moviez for the websiTe...and i suppoze he reAd my bloG entrieZ on mr. beAn and 300 bAh...?

anywAyz...i shoWed xie yI the e-mAil...and he sAid why not agRee siNce the website lookZ genuiNe, and it'z kindA fuN too? ^o^

and so, i am noW a revieweR with the locAl kinG! heH.....

afteR i joiNed in the "foRce", i reAlized it'z a websiTe thAt aiMz to provide reviewZ on whAtever thingz in Singapore, and KL too!! it cAn be anythinG.......a mazcarA you thinK iz good, a hAndphone you a moVie etc etc.

the goAl iz for all locAlz to consulT it wheNever theY wannA knoW where the good stuffZ are! and the bAd onez too.....heH! or if somethinG theY wannA try iz good....or juZ lookinG for fuN stuffz to experieNce~

there'Z a foruM there too...!! hahAaa and i'M the moderAtor for 2 of the locAl regioNz. wondeR if i will get sAcked if i seldoM log me tryinG to log in ofteN to checK thingZ out. mY 1st tiMe az a moderAtor excitinG! ;P

so fAr, i submitted 4 reviewZ.....and the 1sT one'z on bollywood veggieZ remembeR?

the next 3 will be:

YY Kafei Dian'z Kaya Bun - a reAlly deliciouZ buN around Bugiz!!!

M1 Vodafone Mobile Connect Modem - the sleeK modeM i uze noW!!!

Phillipz Blender for heAlth and beAuty!! - mY neW fruitZ blendeR!!

i guezZ the lAzt one'z the lAmest...hahAa...buT i'm stilL so exciTed about thiZ blendeR i juZ boughT...and blendinG fruiT juicez are so fuN! noW i cAn mAke smoothiez and milkshAkez and so much more!!! hahAaa...and i betchA i'M greAt @ theM from my beN & jerry'Z experieNce!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

oH...i added the locAl king'Z bAdge on my side bAr here too....tAke a looK @ it bAh.

if you see thiZ...spreAd the locAl kinG ard!!! ^O^

hAil to the locAl kinG!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

where'Z mY dreAmland pAzzport?

it'Z now 4:28am....and i wondeR where'Z my dreAmland pazzporT? i juZ cAn't sleep...hmM...

mY miNd simplY cAn't resT...i keeP ponderinG about thingZ of my life....knowN and unknowN issueZ of the 3 periodZ of my life - mY pAst, presenT, and futuRe...

alSo, the weird pAin in my chesT hAunted me for quiTe a while juZ scArez me, but az Dr. Ooi said, i am'z all right. juZ gottA breAth slowlY... ^.^

perhApz, i should juZ thinK of somethinG thAt iz impossible to thinK about - nothinG.


there'Z thiZ plAce in nTu whicH i reAlly'Z the greeN sloPe of the scH. of Art, desigN & mediA....a verY nice buildinG...witH a very weird buT beAutiful should reAlly see it, i reAlized i didn'T tAke a photo of it'z tiMe perhApz...and perhApz i should be studyinG @ thiZ scH.....hahAaa... ^.^

anywAyz...i loVe to cliMb onto the toP of the sloPe...lie dowN on the cArpet grAzz....and enjoY the cloudZ aboVe me.......let my imAgination flY off inTo the unphysicAl reAlm.....

...and perhApz also pondeR on my life.......^o^

certAin photoZ i tooK on a recenT visiT to the greenY arttY sloPe...

goinG uP the neAt fleeT of stAirz along the sloPe...

a vieW froM the toP flooR of the buildinG!! i thinK i wAz inside the buildinG...and i uzed the "througH the glAzz" mode on my cAmera...aiN't the pooL gArden crAdled by the 2 curvY wingZ of the buildinG beAutiful? feeLz like a greAt plAce to hAve "higH" teA.....

theRe...tooK thiZ one whiLe lyinG on toP of the sloPe...plAced my cAmera on the cArpet grAzz....and snApped a "flooR" vieW. hahAaa....thinK thiZ bReed of cArpet grAzz iz kindA pricklY....buT i'M cooL witH it...

theRe...thAt'z a plAce wheRe i cAn attAin some temporAry solitAry self-actuAlization...perhApz i cAn meditAte on the sloPe next tiMe... ^O^

all rightZ...i onlY hAve a coupLe of hrz to rest....cuZ i'M all so exciTed about wAtching "trAnzformerz" witH creAmy lAter about nooN!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

plz plZ......周公 (the guArdian of dreAmland)....beztoW me my dreAmland pAzzport noW...!!! thAnkzzzZZZzzz....!!


wikimApia rockZ!!!

quoTing the google definitioN of "wiKi": A website or similar online resource which allows users to add and edit content collectively.

yuP! and wikimApia iz a websiTe thAt allowz anyoNe to lAbel anywheRe on eArth!!!!! cooL izn'T it??

i exploRed wikimApia with Xie Yi a coupLe of weekZ bAck.....durinG the no-dAy-no-nighT fuN lAbby dAyz....and we seArched around for plAcez we know.....includinG where we liVed! we exploRed around NTU...sbS...and found thiZ weird hiddeN plAce around sbS....whicH i think iz an armY trAining plAce...heH.

if you wannA lAbel where you betteR do it fAzt!!! cuZ it'z a 1st-lAbel-1sT-geT systeM! hahAa......anyoNe cAn lAbel anywhere on wiKimapia!!!!! and the followinG are soMe lAbelz i put on wikimApia!!!! see:

co-ordZ: 1°19'52"N 103°55'18"E . thiZ iz wheRe i liVe!!!!! mY hoMe sweeT hoMe~~~ ^O^

co-ordZ: 1°21'18"N 103°41'9"E . thiZ wAz my hoztel....!! i shifTed bAck home on 2nd julY...

co-ordZ: 1°20'40"N 103°40'46"E. thiZ iz my scH!!!!!! ^o^

co-ordZ: 28°8'56"N 113°38'37"E. and i lAbelled Xie Yi'z hoMe sweeT hoMe too!!!!!! perhApz hiz hoMe haz some ultrA secretiVe thingie.....cuZ onlY "secreT" areAz will be blurRed out on wikimapiA i suppoze....
