pizzA cheeZe foNdue!!
the deliciouZ pizzA!!! looK at the miNi reservoiR of cheeZe foNdue in the middLe...thiZ iz tAken by creAmy, and she reAlly hAz steAdy hAndz...she voluNteered to photogrAph it cuZ she sAid by the tiMe i'M doNe witH photogrAphy, it will be coLd liAo...hahAa...
meT uP witH creAmy 2 dAyz bAck...and we diNed around where she liVed...@ the siglAp pizzA huT!!! we decided to eAt it siNce we so wAnted to trY the cheeZe foNdue meAl...and it hAz beeN liKe >0.5yr siNce the lAst tiMe we aTe pizzA, which wAz @ the bedoK brAnch.
anywAy...we added 6 buckZ to chAnge the pizzA meAl froM regulAr siZe to lArge!! hahAa...and it wAz so fillinG...and so nice!!! the regulAr siZe iz juZ too smAll lAh...
the outleT hAz a nice ambienT...the wArm soothinG lightinG froM the orAnge shAde lampz setz the plAce for a nice chAt. alSo, we requested to siT at the coucH seAt, whicH iz comfY and spAciouz...compAred to the 2-seAter they gAve uz initiAlly...whicH iz so crAmpy!!
afteR the meAl...we tooK cAndid shotz of ourselVez bY plAcing the cAmera on the chilLi flAkez shAker funnY, i loVe the one where we forMed a crozZ with the forK and kNife...and looKed angrY.....heH...buT creAmy sAid don'T posT the it'Z for our personAl viewinG pleAsure onlY. heH!!!
oH, and creAmy tooK a shoT with her slApper too! the losT-and-fouNd-afteR-5000-blinkZ slApper....^O^
creAmy juZ returNed to singApore from sAn frAncisco a couple of weekZ bAck...and tooK uP her shorT cAreer az a tourisT. hahAa...buT she juZ commeNced her cAreer with Citibank...whicH i joKed about az the bAnk thAt washes all the flooR to keeP the flooR cleAn...cuZ "citi" iz roughlY anAlogouz to "xi di"...whicH iz the han yu piN yiN for 洗地 = wAsh/moP the flooR!!! so tougH loH heR joB....hahAaa...
thiZ iz the very deliciouZ chocolAte she boughT froM US and gAve severAl pieces to me.