Sunday, July 29, 2007

s.H.e "plAy" 庆功 fuN pArty!!!

me ofteN refeR the bubblY tAiwaneze poP femAle tRio S.H.E az the snAke girlZ!!

bcuZ....S.H.E = han yu pin yiN for 蛇 = the snAke girlZ!! ;P

anywAy...i got 2 ticketZ froM M1 for theiR fRee fuN pArty...whicH hAppened yezterdAy froM 830pM to 930pM!!

woo Hoo~~~ thiZ iz the 1sT tiMe i meT theM for liVe...and theY are cooL indeed!!! thougH i onlY see theM az ~2cM figurineZ from so so sooo fAr...buT luckilY got the projectoR screeN...

quiTe tirinG....luckilY onlY ~ 1hR, if not it will be exhAusting...cuZ i wAz prActically stAnding on the chAir throughouT!! heH....

theY onlY sAng songZ from their currenT albuM titLed "plAy"...and theY are celebrAting cuZ they sold > 25k copieZ in our tinY singAporean islAnd...heH, thinK our islAndic mArket iz microscopiC to theM...buT reAlly glAd they still heLd one fRee concert for uz!! noW i'M repeAting 2 of theM...see:

thiZ iz 中国话...whicH iz verY rAppy....and kindA tRue, cuZ the Chineze iz risinG!! hahAaa...everyone shoLd leArn how to speAk mAndarin..especiAlly if we are of Chineze rAce....thoZe who are Chineze but do not know Chineze well shouLd fAce the wAll and repenT foreveR....duH!!!

thiZ iz 听袁惟仁弹吉他...a very meAningful song abouT song'Z tRue thAt the field of musiC composinG iz very vAgue and intAngible...

anywAyz, i wenT witH zhZ...whoM i knoW loveZ the snAke girlZ alot....reAlly!! it thoughT of givinG the tix to hiM once i got theM...and he'z reAlly strezzed ouT with hiz cAreer now....hoPe for the besT for hiM bAh...oH, and he iz the one who cAnnot stAnd my typinG with thiZ "brokeN keyboArd" styLe....hahAaa....thAt'z why he onlY manAges to reAd a couple of senteNces and thAt'z it everytiMe...;P

thiZ iz the tickeT!!!! see!! froM lefT to righT...selinA, ellA, and the prettiesT heBe....all crAdled sAfely in my lefT hAnd...hahAaa...

thiZ wAz a bluR vieW from wheRe i sAt. pAthetic right? heH....but fRee leH, whAt to expecT?

buT....i wAz reAlly dizgusted whiLe wAz quite orgAnized, but the people wHo queued very eArly thAt dAy threW trAsh all over the wAiting area....DIZGUSTING!!!!!

looK....i wAz so disAppointed...hoW cAn we progrezZ to becoMe a grAceful develoPed countrY? duH.....peopLe who cAme to wAtch the snAke girlz should belonG mAinly the educAted younGsterz.....buT stilL....sigH!!!

i loVe 听袁惟仁弹吉他...


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