Thursday, July 12, 2007

the royAl pArtyworld sessioN~

it wAz a greAt eveninG on 9tH julY 2007....and we the royAl lAbberz decided to dizguize ourselVez az commonerZ and visiT the clemenTi pArtyworld for a ktV sessioN!!!!!

hahAaa.....a dAngerouz missioN, but a fuN and adventurouZ one az we ventuRed into the very secluded rooM numbeR 28 on the 3rd flooR....and juZ around the toilet whicH hAz a very "vAgue" dooR. ;P

it wAz so fuN...and at the end of it, we decided to tAke group photoZ............:

theRe! froM left to righT.....the princezZ of juronG eAst, the suN princezZ, the priNcezz of bukit panjanG.....and me, the priNce of bedoK nortH (weAring specz)...

uz agAin!!!! sAme positionZ.....and the onlY vitAl difference wAz, welL, i tooK off my specZ for thiZ photo....a differeNce vitAl enough righT? ;P

and yeT another phoTo......see! i kneW we hAve hiddeN speciAl powerz within uZ....whicH we cAn't controL sometimeZ....or most of the tiMe....look cArefully!!!! we hAve the poweR to attAin trAnslucency........while tAking cAn see the sofA througH uz.......

and i anAlyzed some "suspectiVe" regionZ in the previouZ phoTo......

so, were we tAking royAl photoz of uz onlY, or mAybe an unknowN number of visitorZ cAme to lizten to our royAl singinG performAnce??? hahAaahhaa....uP to you to imAgine!!!!!!



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