Thursday, July 26, 2007

the koalA brotherZ!

looK!! they'Re the koalA brotherZ!! hahAaa...okoK, thiZ iz another preschooleR TV show on kidZ centrAl....and it showz on weekdAyz 130pm, juZ before blue'Z clueZ!! ;P

it'Z mAde to inculcAte good vAluez into young kidz...and mAinly, the theMe iz to be helpfuL all the tiMe...juZ like the koalA brotherZ...who flY ard in theiR jeTplane thingie to help their friendZ in the Auztralian outbAck!!

thiZ iz theM...on theiR yelloW plAne~

and thiZ iz them.....hmM, wAz it winteR?

anywAyz...i wAtch it cuZ koalA'z my fAve animAl...heH!!

checK out theiR officiAl UK site @ for gAmez and more info...

alSo, it'z filMed using stop-motioN techniquez...whicH iz reAlly very tiMe consuminG!!!!

koalA ruleZ~~~


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