Thursday, July 26, 2007

iz thiZ SMS trustAble?

quotinG a SMS froM aleX...:

"A 1-yr old boy named Isaac Lam Wei En from KKH Ward 71 needs B+ blood for treatment for a type of blood cancer. Interested donors pls go to National Blood Centre to donate your blood to him. Do help to pass this msg srd. Thanks!"

thiZ iz not the 1sT time i've seeN thiZ kind of you thinK it'z trustAble?

anAlysing it....reveAlz specific name and wArd number...and we could verifY simplY by cAlling KKH. buT iz it necessAry?

anywAyz....blood donAtion iz greAt....buT i'Ve never donAted blood before. not thAt i'M afrAid of seeing blood or'z cuZ i thinK i'M not a very heAlthy persoN, i don'T alwAyz eAt good food....and who knoWz whAt strAnge illnezz i mAY hAve judginG from my recentlY quite frequenT heArt/chezT pAinz? heNce....i alwAyz hold bAck on blood donAtion dezpite knowinG how greAt it iz...

luckilY mY blood tyPe of A+ iz not ultrA rAre..... ;P

oK, i spreAd the SMS herebY viA my bloG....

prAy for isaAc'z recoverY!


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