Monday, July 16, 2007

the suN princezZ...

the suN princezZ often wanderZ off to the beAch and looKz fAr out into the oceAn...lookinG for herseLf....thAt'z whAt she doez wheN she'z on josteiN gAarder'z solitAire myztery'Z mAgic islAnd...

howeveR, on the sunnY islAnd of singApore...the suN princezZ of juronG blowZ bubbleZ wheNever she'z fRee.....enjoyinG the rAinbow-coloured bubbleZ flutteR arouNd her....and wheN they bursT, she will wondeR if her existeNce iz identicAl to the bubbleZ......thiZ compleX philosophicAl parAdox vexes iz existeNce reAl or trAnsient or whAtever....she quicklY stopz ponderinG deepeR and juZ keepz blowinG more and moRe bubbleZ!!!

the suN princezZ cAught in the act of blowinG bubbleZ!!! yoZ girL....turN arouNd and smiLe!!!

duh duH!! the prettY suN princezZ plAying with a spArkle after soMe seriouZ philosophicAl bubblinG....i guezZ she got fed uP wonderinG about whAt life reAlly iz... thgiR? ;P

anywAyz...i receiVed a SMS froM her thiZ eveninG...about her sighTing a nice heArty cLoud...and the appeArance of a rAinbow behind it......woW!!! i would tAke out mY all-tiMe-reAdy cAmera and snAp shotz of sucH a beAutiful sight......welL, the suN princezZ did so toO....buT with heR mentAllic cAmera!!

she develoPed thiZ mentAl imAge froM her mentAllic cAmera for me uzinG "pAint"!! hahAaa....thAnkz ah!! i cAn totAlly visuAlize whAt she sAw...

i wondeR if she remembeRz thiZ pAperbag? she filLed it witH snAckz and stickerZ and gAve it to me for fuN...and now, do you recogniZe the strikinG resemblAnce witH whAt she sAw? a rAinbow behiNd a cLoud....whAt a beAutiful coincideNce!! it'Z an actuAl mAterialisation of a previouZ grAphical pictuRe...hmM....iz thiZ too mucH of a coiNcideNce? cuZ it'z an unconsciouz similAr gifT of a cLoudy imAge from the sAme princezZ...okoK, i need the rAinbow sodA....buT heY! i refuZe to consuMe it......i do not wAnt my senseZ dulLed...

recAlling......a coupLe of weekz bAck, she arrAnged theze smAll stickerz into a christmAz tree and toLd me it'z heR fAve. feztivAl. theN she tooK thiZ photogrAph...heH. how am i suppoZed to fiNd the circuZ merry-go-rouNd horsie for heR?!

i suppoZe thiZ iz a cLoud photo tAken bY the suN princezZ...wheN she wAz hAving fuN @ sentosA or somethinG.....not v suRe buT i juZ know thiZ iz a verY beAutiful photo....i herebY nAme it "the wispY edGe"....^o^

the suN princezZ iz indeed creAtive and arttY...and iz a very livelY and fuN-lovinG princezZ..!! juZ liKe the princezZez froM wiNx club!! ;P

wiNx ruleZ...!!!


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