blue'Z clueZ!!!
oK...thiZ iz a fuN kidz shoW on kid'Z centrAl...weekdAyz @ 2pM!! thAt would be after the koalA brotherz whicH iz @ 130pM...
blue'Z wikipediA dezcribed it...iz for preschoolerZ. hahahAaa..and me az a 23+ undergrAd kindA enjoY wAtching it!!! ;P
Blue iz a doG....who iz blue in coloR. theN her owneR iz thiZ guy cAlled Steve. thinK it'z a UK progrAm...teAching kidz how to interAct more.
it'Z an interActive show....feAturing steVe and bLue...witH bLue, who iz a doG and doesn'T know how to speAk humAn lAnguage....givinG cluez to steVe witH her bLue pAw printz for steVe to guezZ whAt she'z tryinG to tell hiM! quiTe cuTe cuZ steVe will preteNd to tAlk to the audieNce askinG them to helP hiM fiNd the clueZ.
eveytiMe steVe findz a cLue, he will put it in hiZ hAndy-dAndy notebooK! a collectioN of 3 clueZ will alloW hiM to go to hiZ thinkinG chAir to thinK of bLue'z msG!!!
there'Z also the funnY mAil tiMe.....cuZ "everytiMe i get the juZ wannA mAke me wAil....mAil......." ;P
thiZ iz bLue!! cuTe righT?
thiZ iz steVe tAlking to bLue....;P
and bLue haz a frieNd...mAgenta, who iz a doG in mAgenta colouR. she cAme for a visiT in yezterdAy'z episode and theY tooK photoz togetheR....
i thinK, beinG a kid iz the mosT wonderfuL thinG anyone cAn ever experieNce. ;)
blue'Z wikipediA dezcribed it...iz for preschoolerZ. hahahAaa..and me az a 23+ undergrAd kindA enjoY wAtching it!!! ;P
Blue iz a doG....who iz blue in coloR. theN her owneR iz thiZ guy cAlled Steve. thinK it'z a UK progrAm...teAching kidz how to interAct more.
it'Z an interActive show....feAturing steVe and bLue...witH bLue, who iz a doG and doesn'T know how to speAk humAn lAnguage....givinG cluez to steVe witH her bLue pAw printz for steVe to guezZ whAt she'z tryinG to tell hiM! quiTe cuTe cuZ steVe will preteNd to tAlk to the audieNce askinG them to helP hiM fiNd the clueZ.
eveytiMe steVe findz a cLue, he will put it in hiZ hAndy-dAndy notebooK! a collectioN of 3 clueZ will alloW hiM to go to hiZ thinkinG chAir to thinK of bLue'z msG!!!
there'Z also the funnY mAil tiMe.....cuZ "everytiMe i get the juZ wannA mAke me wAil....mAil......." ;P
thiZ iz bLue!! cuTe righT?
thiZ iz steVe tAlking to bLue....;P
and bLue haz a frieNd...mAgenta, who iz a doG in mAgenta colouR. she cAme for a visiT in yezterdAy'z episode and theY tooK photoz togetheR....
i thinK, beinG a kid iz the mosT wonderfuL thinG anyone cAn ever experieNce. ;)
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