Thursday, July 12, 2007

the royAl lAbberz..!!!

remeM. my nAtional runwAy entry...? i sAid i'll posT a cooL pict. of all the lAbby bikerz from Yiwen'z cAmera...and here it iz!!

tAken before we begAn our bikeY journeY!!

oH i mizz all lAbberz leH! v fuN lAbbing loH....hahAa.....anywAyz, along the wAy....some of uz hAve adopTed nickz and "royAl" identitieZ....and i shAll intro ourselveZ...refeR to the bikeR photo oK...

froM left to righT:
Xie Yi = "goldeN" boY = mY sHi fu~ ^o^; lAh = pollY = priNce of bedoK nortH = hybRid of jAck and jokeR;
alisoN = hollY;
yvonNe = felicitY = queeN of juronG wesT = ace of heArtz = suN princezZ;
meihuA = priNcezz of bukiT pAnjang;
yiweN = priNcezz of juronG eAst;
jAyne = grAndmother of toh guAn = the emprezZ dowAger of toh guAn!!!;
elynN (returninG to lAb sooN...surelY will adopT some kindA nice nicK ahhAa..) and yvonNe have the moz nickZ....;P

anotheR photo we tooK @ the eunoZ trAins stAtion while queueing for the shuttLe buZ~

thiZ iz drAwn by attAchment student. she'z a cArtoonist!!! and she dreW thiZ for alisoN for her bdAy....i'M the secoNd one from the lefT on the toP roW!

noTe the secoNd guY on the bottoM roW....thAt'z priTpal~ he mentioNed before he doezn't wAnt hiz phoTo to be uploAded onto any websiTe....and luckY i remembeR........cuZ i hAve thiZ v nice photo we tooK @ cAfe iguAna......buT cAnnot uploAd cuZ i muZ obeY priTpal'z rule~ ^O^

a zooM into the cArtoonic versioN of me~~~ sherrY got mY hAir righT! ;P

aH thiZ iz agathA and me! all of uz were plAying with spArklerz in the afternooN to celebrAte alison'Z'z strAnge thAt i cAn't find the photo i tooK of agathA with rivAn on her shouldeR....will posT it wheN i find it ok? thAt one'z much cuter!

anywAy...agathA'z the girL whoM i accompAnied to SGH the nAtional eye centRe and meT with Dr. Tina Wong....hahAa....if you remember. agathA'z reAlly stressed righT now.....for her mAzterz presentAtion thingie.....and she'z reAl nice to hAng out witH! hahAaa....and we are botH fAnz of the boobZ whizperer! oooopZ, i meAnt...the ghosT whizpereR!

thiz iz a thAnk-you cAke from agathA bAck in feb 2007.....i forgoT whAt it wAz for....buT i kindA helPed her with something..and she boughT a neAt cAke for me! shouldn'T be breAdtalk....but cAketalk insteAd! i aTe it in the pAntry theN....;P

proudlY presentinG hollY akA alisoN!!! she'z mY besT "discipLe" whoM i hAve "trAined"...she hAz the highesT poweR to tolerAte my lAmenezz on winX and chArmed and x-meN.......hahAaa....behoLd the drAgonfire!!! and the astroprojectioN!!! and bewAre....cuZ "it'z gonnA get reAl coLd in here"..........



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