Monday, July 16, 2007

no moRe nice tAnglez?

sigH....went arouNd seArching for neW and niceR colouR combiz of tAnglez.....

so i wenT to the toyZ'R'uz @ tAmpinez mAll...and thiZ time the counteR girL hAsn't eveN heArd of tAngle, nor seeN it before....cuZ i presenTed miNe to her! heY....i sAw it on thier websiTe loH....don'T try to plAy ard with some guY who reseArches before shoppinG...

anywAyz....she asKed me to checK out the "leArning" and "fAmily fuN" sectionz of the stoRe. welL, i did manAge to find severAl tAnglez.....but they're mucH pricieR compAred to cArrefour!! the sAme shoP iz S$2.90, the other shoP sellz @ S$4.95.....duH right? and thiZ iz the clAssic versioN....for the metAllic it'z even worze. S$4.90 for cArrefour, and S$6.95 for thiZ store...totAlly "biG qnZ mArked" toyZ'R'uz........

theN i proceeded to the cArrefour @ lAst hope in seArch of more tAnglez!! theY were eitheR left witH 2 clAssicz witH weird coloR combiZ....or only metAllicz. the metAllicz are so beAutiful....but imprActical cuZ the metAllic coAt wearz off eAsily.

howeveR, the cAshier @ cArrefour seemed more interested in tAngle....hahAa...i could tell froM her eyez she plAyed with it before too! cuZ she waz smiling widely wheN i dezcribed thAt it iz wrApped in a smAll triAngular trAnslucent plAztic cAsing....

perhApz i should returN to cArrefour @ pS to buY one more identicAl tAngle i currentlY hAve...juZ for fuN. ;P



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