Wednesday, May 24, 2006

hSbc Tree Top Walk...!!

finAlly hAd the precious chAnce to visit the ttW!!!

mounTed it on 13 mAy 2006...with 4 of mY aztRo gAng memberz...hmM, or now we aRe knowN az the geN1 beN3 jiA1 zu2 ~

heH...enjoYed it and tooK a few picz along the wAy~ and v luckilY it was rAining only afteR we compleTed the bridGe wAlk...and we hAd 4 umbrellAz...^o^

diZcovered thiZ uniQue curvY brAnch on our wAy uP~

oN the bridGe...

oN the bridGe too...

oN the bridGe too toO...

hahA on the bridGe too too toO...thAt'z the bAck view of mZ prettY ke liAn yelloW sZ...

v tirinG....and the funniesT iz wheN yelloW sZ'z solez were sheddinG az we progressed...hahAa...

and we hAd the v v v v nice cAsuarina rotI prAta thereafteR!!! yumyuM...

nice wAlking...~

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

fRee supper at hozteL~

tYped on: 261105 (0240 hrs)
initiAted on: 191005

i wAz repeAting 雪中莲...and suddenlY someone knocked on the dooR....i opeNed the door to find about 4 friendlY ppL waiting to giVe me food and cAnned suppeR!

thiZ waz touted to be the hAll 02 exAm good lucK suppeR.....welL, i sAy why not? choze seAsons lemoN teA for chuN keAt too...and took in 2 pAckets of food....thinK chuN keAt's not returning so i tried to dowN 2 pAckz! hahAaa....aTe the mifeN....theN feLt so fulL, i only dowNed the chickeN wing and etc from the pAcket of nAsi lemAk.....tried not to wAste food lAh...

thinK nothing iz fRee in thiZ next tiMe i will trY not to tAke thingZ thAt are grAnted....hmM..........for thiZ, i treAt it az pArt of the hoztel feez....i shAll see if there'z a nexT time bAh... ;P


how "雪中莲" reminded me of yilAi (yee loI)

tYped on: 261105 (0211 hrs)
initiAted on: 191005

i suddenlY wAnted to listen to fAye'z "雪中莲"...heNce set it to repeAt in my hozteL........

chuN keAt'z not in az usuAl...heNce it iz my worLd....^O^

enjoyinG myself in fAye'z soothinG voice.......and thiZ song driftZ me to thinK of yilAi, my primAry school pAl.....he iz a hongkongeR, and we were kindA greAt friendz who accompAny eAch other in schooL...sAme clAzz and etc.....i remembeR how he uzed to wAlk me to my lift...and theN wAlk off after he sAw me enter the lifT....somehow the lifT wAz alwAyz opened for me to enteR everytiMe he wAlked me home from schooL. hahAaa...wonder if he remembeRz me?

i remembeR he hAz very kind chAracter...and a nice smiLe too....liVely thoughtz and optimiZtic too! he liVed in blocK 424 whiLe me 504, and he will slowlY wAlk bAck to hiz houZe after wAlking me hoMe....hArdworking and smArt too....eventuAlly we grAduated from jayA primAry school az the secoNd and thiRd in stAndard for our PSLE....hahAaa....wonderfuL memoriez...

i suddeNly thought of how he joKed about me alwAyz eAting breAd i brought from hoMe...funnY guy though. and i alSo remembeR the cArefree dAyz after our PSLE exAmz....we were fRee to plAy around in clAzz and etc....theN we were supposed to mAke crAftworkz of flowerZ uzing different coloRed trAnslucent cellophAne plAstic pAper.....thinK either he or me mAde one thAt looked like a weiRd flower...but nice lAh..yilAi tooK it in hiZ hAndz and swerVed the flower around aheAd of fAstening hiz stepz and sAng the 1sT and lAst few lineZ of thiZ fAye'z song......"

"雪花儿飘。。。飘起了多少爱恋。。。 。。。 。。。雪花儿片片飞。。。飞满天。。。"

he wenT dunmAn higH whiLe i wenT anglicAn higH after PSLE.....theN i wenT tJc and he wenT vJc............i hAve no ideA thereafteR....

i hoPe he iz doing reAl fine now, cuZ i aM... ; )

flyinG in my thoughtZ...

reAlized i prefer not to shoP aloNe...

tYped on: 261105 (0202 hrs)
initiAted on: 191105

cArrying on from the preV. lost entry....after my missioN at the plazA....i went bAck to pArco and tried to shoP around...for clotheZ or somethinG.

wenT in topshoP....and didn'T reAlly shop...juZ looked around...didn'T even bother to trY. pAssed by POA....woW they chAnged unsuitAble styLe....*sigH* wenT seiyu....also juZ browsed....heNce i boughT nothing.

wAz it thAt i need compAny to shoP? viN? or juZtin? hmM.........

or wAz it thAt the exAmz are lezZ thAn 20 dAyz awAy and i am stilL roAming around bugiZ? my consciouznezZ muZ be tAgging me and holding bAck the shoppinG lover in limbic systeM muZ be bringinG me into the mode of studyinG....

retuRned to hoZtel thereafter, obedientlY. ; )


losT in bugiZ - lu cHi!!!

tYped on: 261105 (0151 hrs)
initiAted on: 191005

i got losT in bugiZ.......mY, the 1sT time i got losT in bugiZ!! for all plAcez but bugiZ.....hahAaa...mAkez myself lAugh.

i am a well-knowN lu cHi to vicVic....cuZ he iz my liVe street directorY! everytiMe i am lost somewheRe....i will juZ ring him uP and asK him for directionZ...;P and he iz the besT!!! hahAaaa! thAnkz vicVic!

thiZ time round...i wAz walking towArdz a hoteL...."The plazA"....whicH i hAve walked there before, and i stilL got losT...thiz iZ so strAnge...cuZ i blurlY hAd an impression it wAz on thiZ side...but went the other side insteAd...and ended up in seLegie!!!!! luckilY i recogniZed seLegie....cuZ i tooK a powerpoinT courZe around here duH loH.....then i immediAtely switcHed directionZ....and eventuAlly reAched my destinAtion....but after sucH a long wAlk....

msGed vicVic when i reAlized thAt i waz kindA losT and finAlly resuMed directionz....and he simplY replied "lu cHi"...or something..hahAaa....oK, i aM one loh.....*sigH*

anywAy, i wenT shAw towerz to gfet thiZ bicycLe brAnd of poker mAgic cArdz for adriAn too....7 buckZ per pAck! woW.....boughT one pAck for my own keepsAke....and theY are reAlly smootH....i meAn the cArdz....reAlly!!!! very nice feeL...

guezZ i will be plAying a solitAry bridGe sometiMe sooN.....^o^


b-dAy + tingtinG!

tYped on: 261105 (0132 hrs)
initiAted on: 151005

me, yelloW sZ and tingtinG are all octobeR bAbiez!!! yelloW sZ celebrAted her'z at settler'Z cAfe, hence me and tingtinG'z were celebrAted togetheR at the fisH and co....also knowN az yu He gonG iz the nice glAzzhouse opposite plazA sinG....nice plAce with good ambieNce...but we didn'T tAke up the secoNd floor cuZ we gottA diNe eArly, since me and tingtinG gottA leAve eArly...hahAaa...^O^

anywAy, the moZ memorAble momenT wAz thAt we (me and tingtinG) were asKed to stAnd on the chAir and everyone sAng the worLd fAmouz b-dAy song for uZ!!! ^O^ thiZ wAz initiAted by the fisH and co stAffz....after they dizcovered thAt we were celebrAting b-dAyz....hahAaa....receiVed a cup of ice-creAM whicH we shAred around...

whicH remindz me! there wAz thiZ cherry on the ice-creAm...and yelloW sZ sAid thAt anyone who cAn tie a knot witH the cherry stAlk withiN the moutH will be an experT frencH kisser! hahAa...she proudlY sAid she cAn! hmM.....i tried for about 6 or 7 minuteZ and couldn'T! cuZ thiz giveN cherrY stAlk wAz reAlly too short to commented by yelloW sZ. nM, shAll look for opportunitieZ to prActice....hmM, maybe during nexT outing, i couLd buy the whoLe box of cherrieZ for everyoNe to trY! hahAaa....i stronglY bliVe it iz possibLe!

all in wAz sucH an enjoyAble and hAppy receiVed thiZ cute toY...a lighteR combiNed with jAck knifez and a miNi scissorz too! whereaZ tingtinG receiVed a skiN lotion or somethinG like thAt....thAnkz aztRo pAlz!!! ^O^

i tRuly appreciAte theiR compAny....and their friendshiP - i am trulY thAnkful...for theY are the 1sT onez to celebrAte a b-dAy for me...and sing a b-dAy song for me az a friendZ...thAnk you all....i celebrAte my own b-dAy alone every yeAr...quietly, simplY...and oK, lonelilY....i will treAsure you all. ; )


tougH acAdemic weeK....

tYped on: 241105 (1548 hrs)
initiAted on: 141005

mY own exAmz are neAring...lezZ thAn one montH awAy, and i gottA go tuitioN neArly everydAy for thiZ week cuZ it'z cheZter'z exAm week...the toughnezZ of the weeK wAz heighteNed with the compulsorY bS205 assignmenT - which iz tougH too!

tuitioN tAkez up all night....and usuAlly it will be tirinG and i will juZ sleep thereafteR....heNce, luckilY i confirMed a scientific pAper for my bS205 assignment kindA beforehAnd, and spenT time reAding bitz and piecez of it wheneveR i hAve'z a very interesting pAper feAturing prediction of peniLe sizez upon erectioN!! it iz so urologicAlly unconventionAl and bold whicH i think no one elZe would dAre to tAke on in sucH a conservAtive singAporean society. hahAaa....^o^

anywAy, az usuAl, i did it lAst minuTe....and reAlly compleTed it on the lAst dAy! but i gottA skip my URECA for the lAst dAy cuZ i reAlly couldn'T commit to it due to thiZ assignmenT....i onlY stArted typing the report in the lAte morning...and luckilY i compleTed at about 5+! hahAaa....spent onlY about 8 hrz on it...and gAodimed~ choZe a simple and mAnageable on correlation coefficienT, funnY and interesting urologicAl topic too~ so i enjoYed my assignmenT~ ^O^

me wish cheZter could cleAr all hiz pAperz...andeven tiL now i wonder how he did...onlY knew he got promoTed successfullY to sec. 2...whicH i aM hAppy for! ^o^

tougH dAyz....but it hAz been proveN thAt az long i hold onto the bright lighT within me...i will surviVe througH any dArkest moment fAted for me - yeA!!!

witH strengtH...!

hAppy b-dAy surpriZe froM weiYi...!!

tYped on: 241105 (1330 hrs)
initiAted on: 081005

fAscinatingly....when i checKed my school e-mAil, i receiVed an e-greetinG cArd from weiYi!!! it wAz a b-dAy greetinG!!! oh gosH!!

weiYi iz a girL i kneW from the arT societY dAyz when i wAz in anglicAn higH....thoze enjoyAble arttY dAyz....

we "lost contAct" siNce i wenT tJc and she wenT tPjc....theN i sAw her around nIe cAnteen last seMezter.......spoKe one or tWo sentenceZ to her...and she wAz puzzLed over her induztriAl attAchment issuez then and i thoughT i betteR leAve her alone to sorT her issuez i lefT after one or tWo sentencez....^o^

howeveR it tooK me a certAin level of courAge to speAk to her theN, i don't knoW whY, yA'z liKe tAlking to someoNe you once were cloZe to but after so lonG..........

hahAaa....i remembeR a sillY time when i sAw her at a chineZe cAlligraphy competitioN durinG my suckY tJc dAyz...and i actuAlly dAre not see her and i physicAlly literAlly rAn awAy upon seeing her from fAr....hahAaa....for unexplAinable reAsonz.....perhApz i didn'T wAnt her to know how suckY my life wAz then....

i guezZ i am a sillY persoN sometimeZ...

but thAnk you weiYi, for you remembeRed my b-dAy...all theZe yeArz...

receiVed a mAil from her thereafteR az a replY to my thAnk you greetinG cArd....she lefT her number, and i suppoZe i will contAct her for teA or somethinG durinG our holZ~ mAybe should get tinA out too! tinA'z our biG sisteR....hahAaa...

stilL surpriZed...

sillY feAr in hozteL 031005

tYped on: 241105 (1320 hrs)
initiAted on: 031005

followinG the preV. steAmboat outing...whicH wAz a sundAy, i returNed to my hAll 2 hozteL for my 1sT night'z stAy....

and i thoughT thAt my rommAte will be around but he wAsn't. so, i wAz alone.

and tingtinG and blue sZ actuAlly toLd me thAt hAll 2 wAz once hAunted thAT they had to evAcuate the whole blocK!!! miNe....and they refuzed to telL me if it wAz my block....
mAkez me ponder yuP, hAll 2?! why would someoNe giVe up sucH a strAtegic room right?

howeveR, i remembeR thAt night wAz feArful....wAz very afrAid the toilet door will twisT itself opeN and etc....i dAre not open it tiL dAwn! anywAy hAd to prepAre for thiZ test on mondAy too....and tutoriAlz i remeM....pluZ the feAr...duH! i blAsted music...and switcHed on all lightz....i remeMbered i eveN cAlled angelA cuZ i couldn'T stAnd thinking thAt the toilet dooR mighT twisT opeN!!! and she toLd me thingZ will be fine...juZ concentrAte on my revisioN or somethinG like thAt....hahAaaa.....

now me thinK thAt iz very sillY...reAlly sillY.....i hAve growN to love my rooM after about 2 monthz' stAy!! (thiZ iz restrospectiVe remeM.?) ^O^

thinGz turned out A-oK! the following night my roommAte returNed and we stAyed together, he told me there'Z nothing to feAR about...cuZ it'Z quite bright around the plAce and etc....also the leAky wAtery sound waz actuAlly from the toileT bowl, juZ gonnA prezZ it fullY down to minimiZe the noise. i felT totAlly relieVed with chuN keAt stAying thAt night....and ever since he assuRed me it iz fiNe to stAy around the plAce, everythinG turNed out to be totAlly enjoyAble~!!! ^O^

kudoZ to my hozteL rooM!!!

astRo settler'Z cAfe!

tYped on: 241105 (1308 hrs)
initiAted on: 021005

thiZ wAz a reAl fuN outing to celebrAte yelloW sZ'z b-dAy!!

sHe gAve uz a treAt at the settler'Z cAfe....whicH iz locAted neAr clArke quAy mrT stAtion....thinK i hAd to arriVe lAte due to some issueZ whicH i forgotteN whAt...hahAa,,,so met uP with chriZ and angelA theN they led me there~

settler'Z cAfe iz a nice and cosY littLe "shoP" whicH haz tonneZ of cArd and boArd gAmez suitAble for groupZ of friendZ to plAy together!!! lotZz choicez....some i hAve never seeN before......very interestinG.

theY provide snAckz too....simple fried fingeR foodz...and also noveL drinkZ....theiR menu iz like thAt of a boArd gAme'z boArd..hahAaa...funnY.

anywAy....we spenT about 4 hourZ or more theRe....and we moVed onto chinAtown for dinneR, which wAz a steAmboat which we dizcoveRed thAt we were kindA "cheAted"....meAning thAt will be the 1st and lAst visiT. ;P verY normAl food....oK, with a very hoT souP bAze.....and quiTe priceY too! i meAn considering the quAlity and etc. and oH plZ.......the free floW of drinkZ were juZ diluTed syruP!! thAt wAz the ultimAte turn off.....hahAaa.....neverthelezZ it wAz enjoyAble cuZ of the compAnionz~ ^O^

wonder wheN will be our nexT outinG?


chinAtown buddhisM tAlk with makmAk 011005

tYped on: 241105 (1204 hrs)
initiAted on: 011005

i remembeR visitinG thiZ lAdy who does "bone-readinG"...meAning she feelZ the boneZ in your hAnd, and tell you abouT your life....soundZ doubtfuL doezn'T it?

neverthelezZ....i accompAnied my pArentz to her...and hAd mine reAd too. neveR sAid mucH...but rAther she sAid i aM meI qinG mu xIu and doesn'T look 21 yrZ old at alL!! hahAa....thAt'z a commoN comment i receiVe....and remindZ me of the noeL ppL whoM i worked with for bliVing thAt i aM 16 wAiting for my 'O' resultZ lasT yeAr! so funnY....

howeveR, thiZ friendlY "bone-reAding" lAdy gAve uz 2 free tickeTz for a buddhisM tAlk arouNd chinAtown....where they inviTed a "higH-rAnking" nuN from Taiwan to giVe a tAlk on "buddhisM and your heAlth"....

i totAlly enjoYed the tAlk...cuZ i leArnt severAl thingZ from jue guAng fA shI...who iz a very humorouZ persoN, with lotzA anecdoteZ....littLe interestinG and shorT storieZ with morAlz thAt will enlighteN your mind...i remembeR the followinG one vAguely...

theRe wAz thiZ experT pAinter....who pAintz liAn huA...yA know, thinK it'Z the lotuZ flower or somethinG liKe thAt.....and it symboliZez fu (fortuNe). the petAlz and everythinG...theN theRe waZ thiz guy who requesTed for thiZ painter to pAint a nice pictuRe for hiM to dizplAy in hiz livinG room...a reAlly nice one. thiZ pAinter iz a very busY persoN and will only pAint for fAted personnelz...heNce, he feLt thAt thiZ requester iz one of the fAted onez...thuZ he agreed. wheN the pAinting wAz done....the guY wAz so hAppy and thAnkz the pAinter for hiZ time and he proudlY frAmed it and dizplAyed it....enjoyinG it'Z beAuty....theN one dAy, a visitoR cAme and sAw thAt the liAn huA hAz one lezZ petAl on one side..!!! whicH he argued thAt it couLd be a bAd omeN.....whicH meAnz thAt hiz good fortuNe (fu guI) may be incompleTe...

the guY wAz puzzLed and brought the pAinting bAck to the experT, and asKed him whAt'z uP.....could he pAint another petAl add-on? the pAinter wAz surprized thAT he lefT out one petAl too! hahAaa....with a twisT of mind, the pAinter explAined thAt it wAz done on purpoZe...cuZ it actuAlly symboliZez fu guI wu biAn - a fortuNe withouT boundAriez...and extendZ outwArdz foreveR.......

izn'T thiZ a nice anecdoTe? ^o^

besidez anecdoTez...we also leArnt some simpLe exercises whicH are touTed to improVe heAlth....welL, wortH a trY....^o^


Thursday, May 04, 2006

1-yeAr-oLd liAo~~~

tiMe zooMz pAzz your sub-consciousnezZ in the midsT of your consciousnezZ.....

it'Z beeN a yeAr siNce i've begAN thiZ bloG~

i begAn ownershiP of mY bloG after the exAmz of my 1sT yeAr secoNd seM on 29th apriL 2005....and now it'Z 04 mAy 2006! hahA....mizZed the officiAl 1sT yeAr anniversAry dAte due to my 2Nd yeAr secoNd seM exAmz~~~

sAme thing hAppens everY'Z a montH-lonG confiNement withiN my hosteL to prepAre for my pAperz....somethinG liKe 闭关修炼...hahA. i juZ broKe out from my cAcoon and now i feel so lighT thAt i am floAting....hahAaaa......

anywAyz...thiZ long summeR holidAy'z abt 3-mtH lonG!!!!!! moZ probAbly i will be spending it fullY at the lAb i am attAched to under the urecA progrAm...requesTed for thiZ 4-dAy long weekeNd....and will be bAck lAbbing cominG mondAy~ ^O^

besIdez my fulL-time commitment to the lAb....i hAve lotz of other thingZ to do/atteNd to...:

1: triM nAilz...(doNe!)
2: pAck my houZe totAlly in mAy...gottA dizcArd all the redundAntz...
3: pAint houZe in juNe...
4: heLp zikziK preP her weddinG whicH will be in deceMber...
5: cAtch up with friendZ....the fuN astro gAng....also hopefullY meet uP with rArely meT onez....liKe shupinG, the GHS cliQue....
6: mAke new specZ in mid julY...
7: shifT hozteL form blocK 6 to blocK 11...
8: defrAgment my aceR lAppy...
9: compleTe my bAckup of VIP fiLez into my seAgate bAby...
10: mAple!!!!!!!!!!
11: cAtch up on tuitioN with cheZter...for hiZ exAmz...
12: trY to exploRe photoshoP...
13: ...still under formulAtion in my miNd...

there aRe upcominG eventZ which i reAlly look forwArd to too!!!!!!

a: miNi dinner with astrO gAng...5tH mAy...
b: vesAk trAil on 7th mAy!!!!!!! i will attend with constAnce...who iz cheZter'z siSter.
c: HSBC Tree Top Walk with Astro gAng on 13th mAy!!!!!!
d: kiTe flying with creAmy! theN steAmboat with GHS cliQue!!!

meAnwhile....severAl occAsionz to celeB too......zik'Z b-dAy was celebrAted yeZterday.....theN mum'Z and dAd'z dAyz......hmM.......shAll fill the joY with nice food....hahAa...

all righT, moving on with my life....optimizticAlly!

checK bAck for mY weird or strAnge or lAme encounterz...;P

mAy all sentienT beingZ be welL and hAppy...