tiMe zooMz pAzz your sub-consciousnezZ in the midsT of your consciousnezZ.....
it'Z beeN a yeAr siNce i've begAN thiZ bloG~
i begAn ownershiP of mY bloG after the exAmz of my 1sT yeAr secoNd seM on 29th apriL 2005....and now it'Z 04 mAy 2006! hahA....mizZed the officiAl 1sT yeAr anniversAry dAte due to my 2Nd yeAr secoNd seM exAmz~~~
sAme thing hAppens everY seM....it'Z a montH-lonG confiNement withiN my hosteL to prepAre for my pAperz....somethinG liKe 闭关修炼...hahA. i juZ broKe out from my cAcoon and now i feel so lighT thAt i am floAting....hahAaaa......
anywAyz...thiZ long summeR holidAy'z abt 3-mtH lonG!!!!!! moZ probAbly i will be spending it fullY at the lAb i am attAched to under the urecA progrAm...requesTed for thiZ 4-dAy long weekeNd....and will be bAck lAbbing cominG mondAy~ ^O^
besIdez my fulL-time commitment to the lAb....i hAve lotz of other thingZ to do/atteNd to...:
1: triM nAilz...(doNe!)
2: pAck my houZe totAlly in mAy...gottA dizcArd all the redundAntz...
3: pAint houZe in juNe...
4: heLp zikziK preP her weddinG whicH will be in deceMber...
5: cAtch up with friendZ....the fuN astro gAng....also hopefullY meet uP with rArely meT onez....liKe shupinG, the GHS cliQue....
6: mAke new specZ in mid julY...
7: shifT hozteL form blocK 6 to blocK 11...
8: defrAgment my aceR lAppy...
9: compleTe my bAckup of VIP fiLez into my seAgate bAby...
10: mAple!!!!!!!!!!
11: cAtch up on tuitioN with cheZter...for hiZ exAmz...
12: trY to exploRe photoshoP...
13: ...still under formulAtion in my miNd...
there aRe upcominG eventZ which i reAlly look forwArd to too!!!!!!
a: miNi dinner with astrO gAng...5tH mAy...
b: vesAk trAil on 7th mAy!!!!!!! i will attend with constAnce...who iz cheZter'z siSter.
c: HSBC Tree Top Walk with Astro gAng on 13th mAy!!!!!!
d: kiTe flying with creAmy! theN steAmboat with GHS cliQue!!!
meAnwhile....severAl occAsionz to celeB too......zik'Z b-dAy was celebrAted yeZterday.....theN mum'Z and dAd'z dAyz......hmM.......shAll fill the joY with nice food....hahAa...
all righT, moving on with my life....optimizticAlly!
checK bAck for mY weird or strAnge or lAme encounterz...;P
mAy all sentienT beingZ be welL and hAppy...