Tuesday, May 23, 2006

losT in bugiZ - lu cHi!!!

tYped on: 261105 (0151 hrs)
initiAted on: 191005

i got losT in bugiZ.......mY, the 1sT time i got losT in bugiZ!! for all plAcez but bugiZ.....hahAaa...mAkez myself lAugh.

i am a well-knowN lu cHi to vicVic....cuZ he iz my liVe street directorY! everytiMe i am lost somewheRe....i will juZ ring him uP and asK him for directionZ...;P and he iz the besT!!! hahAaaa! thAnkz vicVic!

thiZ time round...i wAz walking towArdz a hoteL...."The plazA"....whicH i hAve walked there before, and i stilL got losT...thiz iZ so strAnge...cuZ i blurlY hAd an impression it wAz on thiZ side...but went the other side insteAd...and ended up in seLegie!!!!! luckilY i recogniZed seLegie....cuZ i tooK a powerpoinT courZe around here befoRe....so duH loH.....then i immediAtely switcHed directionZ....and eventuAlly reAched my destinAtion....but after sucH a long wAlk....

msGed vicVic when i reAlized thAt i waz kindA losT and finAlly resuMed directionz....and he simplY replied "lu cHi"...or something..hahAaa....oK, i aM one loh.....*sigH*

anywAy, i wenT shAw towerz to gfet thiZ bicycLe brAnd of poker mAgic cArdz for adriAn too....7 buckZ per pAck! woW.....boughT one pAck for my own keepsAke....and theY are reAlly smootH....i meAn the cArdz....reAlly!!!! very nice feeL...

guezZ i will be plAying a solitAry bridGe sometiMe sooN.....^o^



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