Tuesday, May 23, 2006

b-dAy celebrAtion...me + tingtinG!

tYped on: 261105 (0132 hrs)
initiAted on: 151005

me, yelloW sZ and tingtinG are all octobeR bAbiez!!! yelloW sZ celebrAted her'z at settler'Z cAfe, hence me and tingtinG'z were celebrAted togetheR at the fisH and co....also knowN az yu He gonG si...it iz the nice glAzzhouse opposite plazA sinG....nice plAce with good ambieNce...but we didn'T tAke up the secoNd floor cuZ we gottA diNe eArly, since me and tingtinG gottA leAve eArly...hahAaa...^O^

anywAy, the moZ memorAble momenT wAz thAt we (me and tingtinG) were asKed to stAnd on the chAir and everyone sAng the worLd fAmouz b-dAy song for uZ!!! ^O^ thiZ wAz initiAted by the fisH and co stAffz....after they dizcovered thAt we were celebrAting b-dAyz....hahAaa....receiVed a cup of ice-creAM whicH we shAred around...

whicH remindz me! there wAz thiZ cherry on the ice-creAm...and yelloW sZ sAid thAt anyone who cAn tie a knot witH the cherry stAlk withiN the moutH will be an experT frencH kisser! hahAa...she proudlY sAid she cAn! hmM.....i tried for about 6 or 7 minuteZ and couldn'T! cuZ thiz giveN cherrY stAlk wAz reAlly too short to tIe.....az commented by yelloW sZ. nM, shAll look for opportunitieZ to prActice....hmM, maybe during nexT outing, i couLd buy the whoLe box of cherrieZ for everyoNe to trY! hahAaa....i stronglY bliVe it iz possibLe!

all in alL....it wAz sucH an enjoyAble and hAppy celebrAtion...me receiVed thiZ cute toY...a lighteR combiNed with jAck knifez and a miNi scissorz too! whereaZ tingtinG receiVed a skiN lotion or somethinG like thAt....thAnkz aztRo pAlz!!! ^O^

i tRuly appreciAte theiR compAny....and their friendshiP - i am trulY thAnkful...for theY are the 1sT onez to celebrAte a b-dAy for me...and sing a b-dAy song for me az a grouP....az friendZ...thAnk you all....i celebrAte my own b-dAy alone every yeAr...quietly, simplY...and oK, lonelilY....i will treAsure you all. ; )



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