Tuesday, May 23, 2006

fRee supper at hozteL~

tYped on: 261105 (0240 hrs)
initiAted on: 191005

i wAz repeAting 雪中莲...and suddenlY someone knocked on the dooR....i opeNed the door to find about 4 friendlY ppL waiting to giVe me food and cAnned drinkz...free suppeR!

thiZ waz touted to be the hAll 02 exAm good lucK suppeR.....welL, i sAy why not? choze seAsons lemoN teA for chuN keAt too...and took in 2 pAckets of food....thinK chuN keAt's not returning so i tried to dowN 2 pAckz! hahAaa....aTe the mifeN....theN feLt so fulL, i only dowNed the chickeN wing and etc from the pAcket of nAsi lemAk.....tried not to wAste food lAh...

thinK nothing iz fRee in thiZ world....so next tiMe i will trY not to tAke thingZ thAt are grAnted....hmM..........for thiZ, i treAt it az pArt of the hoztel feez....i shAll see if there'z a nexT time bAh... ;P



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