Tuesday, May 23, 2006

tougH acAdemic weeK....

tYped on: 241105 (1548 hrs)
initiAted on: 141005

mY own exAmz are neAring...lezZ thAn one montH awAy, and i gottA go tuitioN neArly everydAy for thiZ week cuZ it'z cheZter'z exAm week...the toughnezZ of the weeK wAz heighteNed with the compulsorY bS205 assignmenT - which iz tougH too!

tuitioN tAkez up all night....and usuAlly it will be tirinG and i will juZ sleep thereafteR....heNce, luckilY i confirMed a scientific pAper for my bS205 assignment kindA beforehAnd, and spenT time reAding bitz and piecez of it wheneveR i hAve time....it'z a very interesting pAper feAturing prediction of peniLe sizez upon erectioN!! it iz so urologicAlly unconventionAl and bold whicH i think no one elZe would dAre to tAke on in sucH a conservAtive singAporean society. hahAaa....^o^

anywAy, az usuAl, i did it lAst minuTe....and reAlly compleTed it on the lAst dAy! but i gottA skip my URECA for the lAst dAy cuZ i reAlly couldn'T commit to it due to thiZ assignmenT....i onlY stArted typing the report in the lAte morning...and luckilY i compleTed at about 5+! hahAaa....spent onlY about 8 hrz on it...and gAodimed~ choZe a simple and mAnageable on correlation coefficienT, funnY and interesting urologicAl topic too~ so i enjoYed my assignmenT~ ^O^

me wish cheZter could cleAr all hiz pAperz...andeven tiL now i wonder how he did...onlY knew he got promoTed successfullY to sec. 2...whicH i aM hAppy for! ^o^

tougH dAyz....but it hAz been proveN thAt az long i hold onto the bright lighT within me...i will surviVe througH any dArkest moment fAted for me - yeA!!!

witH strengtH...!


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