Tuesday, May 23, 2006

chinAtown buddhisM tAlk with makmAk 011005

tYped on: 241105 (1204 hrs)
initiAted on: 011005

i remembeR visitinG thiZ lAdy who does "bone-readinG"...meAning she feelZ the boneZ in your hAnd, and tell you abouT your life....soundZ doubtfuL doezn'T it?

neverthelezZ....i accompAnied my pArentz to her...and hAd mine reAd too. neveR sAid mucH...but rAther she sAid i aM meI qinG mu xIu and doesn'T look 21 yrZ old at alL!! hahAa....thAt'z a commoN comment i receiVe....and remindZ me of the noeL ppL whoM i worked with for bliVing thAt i aM 16 wAiting for my 'O' resultZ lasT yeAr! so funnY....

howeveR, thiZ friendlY "bone-reAding" lAdy gAve uz 2 free tickeTz for a buddhisM tAlk arouNd chinAtown....where they inviTed a "higH-rAnking" nuN from Taiwan to giVe a tAlk on "buddhisM and your heAlth"....

i totAlly enjoYed the tAlk...cuZ i leArnt severAl thingZ from jue guAng fA shI...who iz a very humorouZ persoN, with lotzA anecdoteZ....littLe interestinG and shorT storieZ with morAlz thAt will enlighteN your mind...i remembeR the followinG one vAguely...

theRe wAz thiZ experT pAinter....who pAintz liAn huA...yA know, thinK it'Z the lotuZ flower or somethinG liKe thAt.....and it symboliZez fu (fortuNe). the petAlz and everythinG...theN theRe waZ thiz guy who requesTed for thiZ painter to pAint a nice pictuRe for hiM to dizplAy in hiz livinG room...a reAlly nice one. thiZ pAinter iz a very busY persoN and will only pAint for fAted personnelz...heNce, he feLt thAt thiZ requester iz one of the fAted onez...thuZ he agreed. wheN the pAinting wAz done....the guY wAz so hAppy and thAnkz the pAinter for hiZ time and effort....so he proudlY frAmed it and dizplAyed it....enjoyinG it'Z beAuty....theN one dAy, a visitoR cAme and sAw thAt the liAn huA hAz one lezZ petAl on one side..!!! whicH he argued thAt it couLd be a bAd omeN.....whicH meAnz thAt hiz good fortuNe (fu guI) may be incompleTe...

the guY wAz puzzLed and brought the pAinting bAck to the experT, and asKed him whAt'z uP.....could he pAint another petAl add-on? the pAinter wAz surprized thAT he lefT out one petAl too! hahAaa....with a twisT of mind, the pAinter explAined thAt it wAz done on purpoZe...cuZ it actuAlly symboliZez fu guI wu biAn - a fortuNe withouT boundAriez...and extendZ outwArdz foreveR.......

izn'T thiZ a nice anecdoTe? ^o^

besidez anecdoTez...we also leArnt some simpLe exercises whicH are touTed to improVe heAlth....welL, wortH a trY....^o^



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