Tuesday, May 23, 2006

hAppy b-dAy surpriZe froM weiYi...!!

tYped on: 241105 (1330 hrs)
initiAted on: 081005

fAscinatingly....when i checKed my school e-mAil, i receiVed an e-greetinG cArd from weiYi!!! it wAz a b-dAy greetinG!!! oh gosH!!

weiYi iz a girL i kneW from the arT societY dAyz when i wAz in anglicAn higH....thoze enjoyAble arttY dAyz....

we "lost contAct" siNce i wenT tJc and she wenT tPjc....theN i sAw her around nIe cAnteen last seMezter.......spoKe one or tWo sentenceZ to her...and she wAz puzzLed over her induztriAl attAchment issuez then and i thoughT i betteR leAve her alone to sorT her issuez out....so i lefT after one or tWo sentencez....^o^

howeveR it tooK me a certAin level of courAge to speAk to her theN, i don't knoW whY, yA know....it'z liKe tAlking to someoNe you once were cloZe to but after so lonG..........

hahAaa....i remembeR a sillY time when i sAw her at a chineZe cAlligraphy competitioN durinG my suckY tJc dAyz...and i actuAlly dAre not see her and i physicAlly literAlly rAn awAy upon seeing her from fAr....hahAaa....for unexplAinable reAsonz.....perhApz i didn'T wAnt her to know how suckY my life wAz then....

i guezZ i am a sillY persoN sometimeZ...

but thAnk you weiYi, for you remembeRed my b-dAy...all theZe yeArz...

receiVed a mAil from her thereafteR az a replY to my thAnk you greetinG cArd....she lefT her number, and i suppoZe i will contAct her for teA or somethinG durinG our holZ~ mAybe should get tinA out too! tinA'z our biG sisteR....hahAaa...

stilL surpriZed...


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