Tuesday, May 23, 2006

astRo settler'Z cAfe!

tYped on: 241105 (1308 hrs)
initiAted on: 021005

thiZ wAz a reAl fuN outing to celebrAte yelloW sZ'z b-dAy!!

sHe gAve uz a treAt at the settler'Z cAfe....whicH iz locAted neAr clArke quAy mrT stAtion....thinK i hAd to arriVe lAte due to some issueZ whicH i forgotteN whAt...hahAa,,,so met uP with chriZ and angelA theN they led me there~

settler'Z cAfe iz a nice and cosY littLe "shoP" whicH haz tonneZ of cArd and boArd gAmez suitAble for groupZ of friendZ to plAy together!!! lotZz choicez....some i hAve never seeN before......very interestinG.

theY provide snAckz too....simple fried fingeR foodz...and also noveL drinkZ....theiR menu iz like thAt of a boArd gAme'z boArd..hahAaa...funnY.

anywAy....we spenT about 4 hourZ or more theRe....and we moVed onto chinAtown for dinneR, which wAz a steAmboat which we dizcoveRed thAt we were kindA "cheAted"....meAning thAt will be the 1st and lAst visiT. ;P verY normAl food....oK, with a very hoT souP bAze.....and quiTe priceY too! i meAn considering the quAlity and etc. and oH plZ.......the free floW of drinkZ were juZ diluTed syruP!! thAt wAz the ultimAte turn off.....hahAaa.....neverthelezZ it wAz enjoyAble cuZ of the compAnionz~ ^O^

wonder wheN will be our nexT outinG?



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