Tuesday, May 23, 2006

sillY feAr in hozteL 031005

tYped on: 241105 (1320 hrs)
initiAted on: 031005

followinG the preV. steAmboat outing...whicH wAz a sundAy, i returNed to my hAll 2 hozteL for my 1sT night'z stAy....

and i thoughT thAt my rommAte will be around but he wAsn't. so, i wAz alone.

and preV.ly tingtinG and blue sZ actuAlly toLd me thAt hAll 2 wAz once hAunted thAT they had to evAcuate the whole blocK!!! miNe....and they refuzed to telL me if it wAz my block....
mAkez me ponder yuP, hAll 2?! why would someoNe giVe up sucH a strAtegic room right?

howeveR, i remembeR thAt night wAz feArful....wAz very afrAid the toilet door will twisT itself opeN and etc....i dAre not open it tiL dAwn! anywAy hAd to prepAre for thiZ test on mondAy too....and tutoriAlz i remeM....pluZ the feAr...duH! i blAsted music...and switcHed on all lightz....i remeMbered i eveN cAlled angelA cuZ i couldn'T stAnd thinking thAt the toilet dooR mighT twisT opeN!!! and she toLd me thingZ will be fine...juZ concentrAte on my revisioN or somethinG like thAt....hahAaaa.....

now me thinK thAt iz very sillY...reAlly sillY.....i hAve growN to love my rooM after about 2 monthz' stAy!! (thiZ iz restrospectiVe remeM.?) ^O^

thinGz turned out A-oK! the following night my roommAte returNed and we stAyed together, he told me there'Z nothing to feAR about...cuZ it'Z quite bright around the plAce and etc....also the leAky wAtery sound waz actuAlly from the toileT bowl, juZ gonnA prezZ it fullY down to minimiZe the noise. i felT totAlly relieVed with chuN keAt stAying thAt night....and ever since he assuRed me it iz fiNe to stAy around the plAce, everythinG turNed out to be totAlly enjoyAble~!!! ^O^

kudoZ to my hozteL rooM!!!


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