mY mobiLe phoNe hAz beeN dizmAntled for 2 weekZ....and countinG.
somehoW juZ refuzinG to assembLe it.
i thinK it hAz not affecTed my "americAn" life mucH siNce prActically no one callZ me or textZ me...?
so i juZ lived withouT a phoNe....
trApping myseLf in my solitAry illZ bubbLe.
tAlked about thiZ witH kS wheN i accompAnied her to AT&T lAst last week....and her point of vieW iz...there are peopLe who mighT wAnt to contAct me....buT it'Z bcuZ stAying on cheApo suckY prepAid deterZ anyone from cAlling me.
pluZ....the w910i i lefT in my wAshing mAchine crAnkz up ALL the switcheZ itseLf off afteR i sAid "hellO" becomeZ low bAtt instAntly...
ok, i agRee.
hAng-ni-mah occAsionally cAllz me suddenlY. kS too....who knowZ who elZe? tizzY mighT texT me too...
adAm cAlled qiN (lAndlady) to see if i wAz i ok cuZ he juZ couldn'T reAch me on the phoNe. "no moRe" and "peRiod.".
am i beinG irrezponsibLy evAsive?
i eveN outrightlY toLd 蓉蓉-chAn to onlY gchAt me.
i uzed to thinK thAt hAving a mobiLe phone reAdy witH me iz a necessitY of moderN livinG....almoZ liKe a rezponsibilitY to anyone i mighT knoW and who mighT wannA contAct me.
buT, ain'T emAil, skyPe, and gchAt enougH?!
yeZ - mY vieW remAinz.
thuZ, i spenT the whoLe afternooN lookinG @ phoneZ and plAnz of mobiLe cArrierz..........i don'T miNd chAnging numberZ cuZ there aren'T alot of peopLe for me to updAte my numbeR.
now i'M witH t-mobiLe and the receptioN suckZ....seriouzlY.
verizoN wilL be the one to joiN.....buT verizoN useS some CDMA technologY....SIM cArd-lezz....
here in the stAtez, every cArrier offerZ strictlY differenT modelZ...and i'M so uzed to sonY ericssoN....but the modelZ here sucK.
i don'T need the interneT 3G thingie...too eX.....
i don'T liKe motorolA.....neveR sAmsung. lG??? mAybe......argH.
and the plAnz are so eX........the hopkinZ dizcount helpZ abiT....
the followinG are a feW thAt cAught my eyeZ:
(USA) verizoN - buT need a $30 datA plAn...?!(USA) verizoN - sleeK....buT bAd reviewZ...(USA) t-mobiLe - nice...buT suckY receptioN.(Singapore) m1 - mighT reAlly get thiZ wheN i returN hoMe to resigN my contrAct...whY sonY ericssoN onlY hAz nice designZ in asiA?!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
and if i stAy witH t-mobiLe....whY doeZ it cosT so mucH to activAte a line and buY anotheR SIM cArd?! bAd receptioN buT the besT pAckage.
i mighT az welL go verizoN....whicH hAz the besT receptioN and the besT websiTe desigN.....buT lAme un-nice phoneZ....
suddenlY hAve the urGe to juZ simplY chAnge a neW numbeR and joiN anotheR mobiLe cArrier.
juZ wannA chAnge evrythinG.
mAybe blAck fridAy or christmAz wilL hAve more deAlz?!
i'lL juZ remAin isolAted.
don'T wisH to tAlk and don'T wisH to anything and everythinG.
epiclY isolAted.