Friday, November 06, 2009

fAllen in loVe witH leonArdo... <3

Leonardo Da Vinci - a genuiNe geniuZ~!!!!!

me juZ atteNded a lectuRe bY Leonardo Da Vinco experT - Prof. Jonathan Pevsner = mY currenT teAcher~!!! ^o^

it wAz @ the Maryland Science Center....whicH hAz an amAzing Leonardo Da Vinci exhibitioN righT noW~!!!!

me posTed a whoLe albuM on mY fuN visiT.....heRe.

i loVe thiZ seLf-portrAit of me besT...:

alL of me in a singLe photO...withiN the mirrorZ rooM~

enjoY the wonderfuL designZ of Leonardo and be amAzed too.

fAllen in loVe witH an amAzing artisT + scieNtist~!!!! <3



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