Saturday, November 21, 2009

zvezdA *

sometimeZ, it'Z more meAningful to lizteN to a lAnguage i do not understAnd:

"the stAr" by vitAz.

i reAlly like hiZ suiT - esP. hiZ collAr. and he kepT blinkinG....i beT the aiR wAz too drY cuZ it wAz cAm-ed in icY winteR...

thiZ sonG iz very meAningful to me.

i kepT repeAting it durinG the dAyz juz befoRe i grAduated from sbS......

thiZ sonG depictZ the uncertAinty of the futuRe...and simplY survivinG witH persistinG hoPe.

tonighT, i keep repeAting it...

mY representAtive zvezdAz kepT fAlling.....juZ let theM plummeT - i wilL alwAyz rekindLe theiR twinklelitY.

whY do the angelZ keeP swoopinG mY zevezdAz??

theY eveN broKe my suN into 3 pieceZ dezpiTe the pAid insurAnce....buT somehoW theY lefT my mooN and mY trAil of bLue stArz intAct....

i hAte theM~!!!!!!! but i need to thAnk theM for eternitY.


i don'T understAnd.

or do i?


mY zvezdA...plZ don'T burN out - bAaazzz toiii~!!


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