beAutiful boY.
it wAz the nighT of the actuAl hAlloween.
spiritZ tAvern wAz noizY - az alL bArz are......
anY conversAtion hAz to be shouTed into the eArz...and befoRe shoutinG, you nAturally leAn neArer to the otheR persoN.
whiLe i drunklY leAned towArdz the bAd guY, he clutcHed and grAbbed my reAr heAd and pulLed me verY cloZe to hiM...and kepT tellinG me...:
bAd guY: "you'Re a beAutiful boY"
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
(me onlY remembeR theZe 2 lineZ...wondeR how mAny timeZ he sAid theM?!)
bAd guY: "you'Re a beAutiful boY"
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
me: "no.."
bAd guY: "you'Re a beAutiful boY"
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
me: "no they'Re juZ theRe plAying pooL...."
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
me: "no....theY are plAying pooL...theY wilL tAke me hoMe..."
theN dR. Li toLd me the nexT dAy thAt bAd guY wAz tryinG to drAg me ouT of the bAr (i don'T eveN knoW thAt??!!) he and mingliAng abAndoned theiR pooL gAme and i did remembeR feelinG theM grAbbing me awAy froM thAt bAd guY and theY drAgged me alL the wAaaaaaaay bAck to my rooM.
stilL sAfe - yeZ.
thAnk God i wAz witH dR. Li and mingliAng - my wonderfuL houZematez~~~
googLe imAge "beAutiful boY" - 2nd hiT.
adAm asKed if i'M stilL drinkinG nowadAyz yezterdAy.....wheN i toLd hiM abouT thiZ....he demAnded me to stoP drinkinG...
toLd grAce and she alSo wArned me to not drinK so mucH...and stoP listeninG to sAd songZ...hahAaa...
hAng-ni-mAh alSo tellZ me not to overdrinK wheneveR we visiT the liquoR stoRe...
eventuAlly, the deAl i gAve myseLf solemnlY iz i'lL stilL drinK but ultrA controlLed drinkinG especiAlly wheN i'M ouT.
the sAfezt plAce to drinK iz mY owN rooM.
and who wAz thAt bad guY? alL i knoW iz thAt bAd guy'Z a cAucasian.....and i'M usuAlly oK witH rAndom conversAtionz witH strAngerz @ a bAr...juZ thAt i didn'T expecT thiZ one to be rudelY tryinG to attAck someoNe who drifTed awAy froM friendZ...
anywAyz, bArz hAve botH good and bAd peopLe. befoRe we hopPed to spiritZ tAvern....we weRe @ mAx'z and there weRe 2 nice friendlY lAdiez who helPed me ordeR my drinkZ siNCe theY weRe seAted righT in fronT of the bArtenderz...while wAiting we chAtted abouT hoW ridiculouZ soMe hAlloween coztumeZ weRe - yAy~!!
me gonnA be good and behAve and stAy sAfe.
p.S.: "be good." iz whAt i geT texTed quiTe ofteN recentlY.
p.p.S.: it suckZ to wAke @ 5+ to vomiT....buT nice to replY a hAppy hAlloween texT in mY bluR reveRie.
spiritZ tAvern wAz noizY - az alL bArz are......
anY conversAtion hAz to be shouTed into the eArz...and befoRe shoutinG, you nAturally leAn neArer to the otheR persoN.
whiLe i drunklY leAned towArdz the bAd guY, he clutcHed and grAbbed my reAr heAd and pulLed me verY cloZe to hiM...and kepT tellinG me...:
bAd guY: "you'Re a beAutiful boY"
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
(me onlY remembeR theZe 2 lineZ...wondeR how mAny timeZ he sAid theM?!)
bAd guY: "you'Re a beAutiful boY"
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
me: "no.."
bAd guY: "you'Re a beAutiful boY"
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
me: "no they'Re juZ theRe plAying pooL...."
bAd guY: "youR friendZ are not tAking cAre of you"
me: "no....theY are plAying pooL...theY wilL tAke me hoMe..."
theN dR. Li toLd me the nexT dAy thAt bAd guY wAz tryinG to drAg me ouT of the bAr (i don'T eveN knoW thAt??!!) he and mingliAng abAndoned theiR pooL gAme and i did remembeR feelinG theM grAbbing me awAy froM thAt bAd guY and theY drAgged me alL the wAaaaaaaay bAck to my rooM.
stilL sAfe - yeZ.
thAnk God i wAz witH dR. Li and mingliAng - my wonderfuL houZematez~~~
googLe imAge "beAutiful boY" - 2nd hiT.
adAm asKed if i'M stilL drinkinG nowadAyz yezterdAy.....wheN i toLd hiM abouT thiZ....he demAnded me to stoP drinkinG...
toLd grAce and she alSo wArned me to not drinK so mucH...and stoP listeninG to sAd songZ...hahAaa...
hAng-ni-mAh alSo tellZ me not to overdrinK wheneveR we visiT the liquoR stoRe...
eventuAlly, the deAl i gAve myseLf solemnlY iz i'lL stilL drinK but ultrA controlLed drinkinG especiAlly wheN i'M ouT.
the sAfezt plAce to drinK iz mY owN rooM.
and who wAz thAt bad guY? alL i knoW iz thAt bAd guy'Z a cAucasian.....and i'M usuAlly oK witH rAndom conversAtionz witH strAngerz @ a bAr...juZ thAt i didn'T expecT thiZ one to be rudelY tryinG to attAck someoNe who drifTed awAy froM friendZ...
anywAyz, bArz hAve botH good and bAd peopLe. befoRe we hopPed to spiritZ tAvern....we weRe @ mAx'z and there weRe 2 nice friendlY lAdiez who helPed me ordeR my drinkZ siNCe theY weRe seAted righT in fronT of the bArtenderz...while wAiting we chAtted abouT hoW ridiculouZ soMe hAlloween coztumeZ weRe - yAy~!!
me gonnA be good and behAve and stAy sAfe.
p.S.: "be good." iz whAt i geT texTed quiTe ofteN recentlY.
p.p.S.: it suckZ to wAke @ 5+ to vomiT....buT nice to replY a hAppy hAlloween texT in mY bluR reveRie.
OMG!!! Please don't ever get drunk outside again... otherwise lose ur "bronze paper body" ah... erm...i hope its still bronze? hahahah.....
LOL~!!!! yAh me kindA shocKed too....but i remembeR i did trY to pusH hiM awAy but me weAk lah...drunK alreAdy.
bronZe...hahAaaa.....bronZe untiL becoMe goLd liAo - whiTe jAde quAlity~!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^
LOL! just be ultra careful cos they might spiked your drink with drug, or play safe dun ever drink outside.
Take care!
yar yar yar, white jade quality inside with maybe gold outer coating!
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