Saturday, November 07, 2009

the red lightZ fAde az i wAke froM my drunknezZ... )::(

"the endlezZ fruztrAting dAnce stepZ...
the unfinishAble and mezmerizinG alcohoL..
who shAll retAin thiZ wonderfuL nighT...for me?
gentLe whizperZ swirL into my eArz..

the perpetuAl uncAring pAsserz-bY...
forminG a boundAry-lezz unrestinG seA of humAnz..
who shAll enumerAte alL my memorieZ?
me simplY stAring blAnkly at the mAgnificent cryztAl lightZ..

i hAve submerGed myseLf in the perfecT reciprocAl loVe befoRe...
a feelinG of trAnzfigured dAncing butterflieZ...

mY heArt broKe upoN a sAd sepAration befoRe...
cryinG onto teArz merginG witH the cryztAl dewZ...

the red lightZ fAde az i wAke froM my drunknezZ...
thiZ iz the righT momenT to bid mY loVe fArewell...

sepAration hAppenz wheN mY sonG endZ...
and i looK bAck intuitivelY...

enN...thiZ iz the finAl nighT."



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