oK, a wArning iz thAt i'M gonnA sAy blAtant but logicAl and evidentiAl wordZ abouT chriztiAnity in thiZ entrY - if you cAn't tolerAte me, theN don't reAd. thAnkz! ;)
woW! tonight'Z a cooL nighT~!!!!! cAught my 1sT eveR moVie in the stAtez -
yeS mAn~!
zooeY and jiM - froM googLe imAge.
thiZ filM iz so funnY and greAt....i thinK everyoNe shouLd wAtch it! hahAaa.....izn't zooeY simplY prettY? ;)
througH thiZ, i reAlized one moRe biG differeNce betweeN singApore and the stAtez - it'Z fRee seAting in the cinemA~!!!!! seriouzlY!!! i wAz reAlly surpriZed.....welL, i'M stilL surpriZed! ^O^
anywAyz, bAck to the moVie.....it'Z abt thiZ dejecTed guY who sAyz no to everY invitAtion...and theN agReed to pArticipate in thiZ "sAy yeZ to everythinG" brAinwashing progrAm.....and begAn to liVe hiZ LIFE....seriouZly, he sAid yeZ to everythinG - includinG receivinG orAl seX froM hiZ old and wrinkLed oLd femAle neighbouR....i wAz liKe - duH?!
BUT, sAying yeZ to everythinG blindlY led hiM to fiNd hiZ loVely girL. ; )
oK, so fAr, cAtch theZe 2 woRdz - "brAinwashing" + "blindlY".
nexT, there wAz thiZ sceNe showinG the "sAy yeZ to everythinG" brAinwashing seminAr....wheRe everyoNe rAized their hAndz and shouTed "yes yes yeS"....blAh......theY alL hAve a commoN mentAlity - blindlY sAy yeZ to anythinG and everythinG. and if you eveR sAy "no"........you wilL be condeMned by everyoNe and somehoW alL the bAd thingZ wilL hAppen to you!!!!! so scAry!!!!!!
ok, thiZ pArticular seminAr sceNe reminded me of the sceNe of a zeAlouz chriztiAn mAzz sessioN i hAppened to atteNd...........wheRe everyoNe (ok, thinK excepT me) rAized theiR hAndz and blAbbered wordZ i do not understAnd (cuZ not englisH, seriouzlY, they were blAbbering!)....believinG theY cAn communicAte to theiR almightY God.
thAt scene surpriZed + aztonisHed me......i understAnd the psychologicAl logic to whY theY did thAt (and probAbly stilL doinG it, and eveN tryinG hArd to psychO peopLe arouNd theM to do the sAme)...buT welL, theY blindlY belieVe whAtever they belieVe thAt God toLd theM so. blindlY iz trulY the apt-tesT woRd.
welL, i cAn neveR fiNd the scieNtific logic for chriztiAnity. scieNtifically, i aM 100% right to stAte thAt chriztiAnity iz illogicAl and impossibLe. woW, ok......chriztiAnz are gonnA throW stoneZ @ me.....ok, i'lL definitelY go to helL in the chriztiAn contexT....if thAt'z reAlly the cAze, i'M willinG to go to helL bcuZ i cAn neveR accepT scieNtific illogicAlity. hAppy? ; )
plZ do not hAve the ideA thAt i do noT bliVe iN God'z existeNce. i'M not an athiesT, i'M a Buddhizt. and in mY bAsic leveL of Buddhism knowledGe.....Gods of ALL religionZ do exisT....yeZ, includinG the chriztiAn God. so i do bliVe thAt God existZ, but i bliVe thAt the chriztiAn God iz not almightY. He'z simply a verY kiNd sentieNt beinG...borN in the heAvenly reAlm......i'M suRe i did noT mizunderstAnd the simpLe Buddhism conversAtionz witH the Sangha (renounced humans) back in Singapore. therefoRe, wheN i asK direcT doubtfuL questionZ liKe "doeZ God exizT?"....i meAnt an almightY God - whicH to me, the answeR iz "no".
woW, i'M brAve to tyPe ouT the aboVe wordZ.....yeA?
oNe moRe simpLe logicAl Buddhism knowledGe i leArnt froM attendinG Buddhism talkZ...whicH wilL totAlly refuTe chriztiAnity:
"beNd the fAith to fit the fActz, buT do noT beNd the fActz to fiT the fAith"
buT stilL, i alSo leArnt to shoW rezpecT to alL religionZ...whicH i hoPe to and i trY to.......hmM..............
and....i'M noT tryinG to promoTe Buddhism, or sAy Buddhism iz betteR thAn any otheR religioN.....duH?! Buddhism doezn't need promotion at all....noR doeZ it need to be compAred to anythinG elZe.....it simply hopeZ for peopLe to reAlize the logiC it hAz, to whicH i agRee...to the littLe bitZ whicH i knoW of for noW.
anywAyz, bAck to the moVie....the endinG iz thAt you shouLd onlY sAy "yeZ!!" to thingZ you reAlly desiRe.....and NOT sAy yeZ blindlY.....and i bliVe the hiddeN messAge behiNd all theZe iz to teAch anyoNe to noT bliVe blindlY - eveN in illogicAlity.
mAy all be welL and hAppy... _/\_