Monday, December 22, 2008

the amAzing countrY houZe~!!!!

oh my gosH!!!! i juZ visiTed the moZ amAzing houZe in the countrY areA eveR~!!!!

dR. gAbrielson (mY supervisoR) inviTed me to a holidAy pArty @ heR houZe yeZterday...and i'M soooooO glAd i wAz abLe to go!!

it alL begAn with dR. polinA fetchinG me froM chApel.....theN alonG witH melissA....we droVe all the wAy to the countrY areA!!! the trAnsition from suburbAn....theN finAlly to countrY iz juZ so amAzing!!! ^O^

i aM so fAzcinated and i'M stilL fAzcinated!!!!! there'Z nothinG liKe thAt in singApore!!! her houZe iz positioNed wonderfullY in a peAceful spoT...she kepT a heRd of sheepZ az petz (yeA!!!)...and behiNd her houZe iz a creeK thAt'z so amAzing!!! the scenerY and everythinG iz juZ sooooOO wonderfuL - perfecT~!!!!

i cAn't dezcriBe welL witH wordZ...buT see foR yourseLf~!!! ^O^

the sheeP houZe~!!

aaaaH~!!!!! cuTe sheepZ~!!!!! they'Re collectivelY nAmed "girlZ"~ ;P

me pozinG witH one of the "girlZ"~!!!

fouNd a treehouZe beside the sheepZ and poZed witH polinA for fuN!! hahAaa....we weRe pretendinG to spoT somethinG aztonishinG fAr away froM the treehouZe!!

me bAlanced myseLf on a rocK in the middLe of the creeK..and tooK thiZ one! doezn'T thiZ seeM liKe a sceNe froM a fAntasy moVie?? ^O^

dR. Xu tooK thiZ one foR me......witH hiZ professionAl cAnon~!! i wAz pozinG witH a tRee brAnch....stAnding on a rocK in the middLe of the creeK~ ^O^

me reAching dowN to the icY coLd flowinG wAter of the creeK~!!! it wAz so coLd it felT liKe the wAter'z gonnA freeZe sooN!!

beAutiful sunseT cAught whiLe climbinG uP the steepY cliff returninG froM the creeK...

izn'T all theZe wonderfuL???? yeZ~!!!! kudoZ to motheR nAture~!!!!! ^O^

stilL amAzed bY a wonderfuL nAture...^.^ ^o^ ^O^


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