Wednesday, December 10, 2008

trAnzparent specZ~!

the usA iz reAlly differenT froM singApore in mAny unimAginable wAyz.....whicH i wilL reAlize bit by biT witH tiMe....

i remembeR bAck in singApore, i cAn purchAze contAct lenZ over the counteR viA a quAlified opticiAn @ anY opticAl i assuMe i couLd do the sAme in usA, buT no.... hahAaa...

i thoughT adAm wAz jokinG wheN he toLd me i needed a speciAlist'z prezcriptioN for contAct lenZ...buT it'Z tRue!!

so i wenT on to mAke an appointmenT whicH i hAd to wAit a montH foR.......and lAst fridAy i finAlly obtAined my triAl pAir froM my speciAlist:

pheW~!! finAlly~~~ *clApzzZ*

so mY optometrisT iz dR. goldmAn, and he'Z quiTe a fuN doctoR...hahAaa...verY nice personAlity, and he'Z very worried siNce i hAven't worN contActz for abt 3 yrz? or wAz it 1.5 yrz? so i plAyed a joKe on hiM.......afteR he gentlY puT on my contActz for me, he asKed me to reAd the "alphAbet screeN"...

dR. goldmAn --> "coveR youR lefT eye...whAt cAn you see?", while documentinG dowN my recordZ...
illZ --> "nothinG......" witH a perpleXed toNe..
dR. goldmAn --> looKed up @ me immediAtely froM hiZ recoRd cArd...

i remembeR hoW hiZ shocKed expressioN crAcked into relAxed lAughterz afteR i toLd hiM i wAz juZ he sAid i'M a funnY guY~ the situAtion wAz hilAriouz...;P

anywAyz...i wAnted to weAr contActz cuZ adAm specificAlly sAid i wilL looK lotZ betteR withouT specZ, theN i remembeR alikiA sAid i looK betteR withouT specZ befoRe too..............

and yezterdAy i wore contActz the whoLe dAy.., and dR. polinA sAid i reAlly looK betteR withouT specZ too!! ^O^

wahahAaahaa....okokAi, so mY decisioN to hAve soMe fuN witH contAct lenZ iz definitelY righT~!!!!

cAn't wAit to meeT witH dR. goldmAn to compleTe my refrAction tesT on 9 jAn 2009!!

mY specZ becAme trAnzparent....*clApzzZ*

P.S.: the direcT trAnzlation of contAct lenZ froM chineZe iz "trAnzparent specZ"...


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