Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the singAporean locksmitH in bAltimore~

oh gosH~!! todAy....wheN i wAz rushinG to the lAb....i twisTed my dooR knoB and it felL off~!!!! LOL......

the knoB wAz on the mAin dooR...it felT looZe befoRe...and thiZ tiMe it finAlly felL off~!!!! luckilY the uppeR locK stilL functionZ perfectlY....i hAd no tiMe, so i juZ puT bAck the doorknoB cArefully whicH stilL sticKz onto the dooR....and rusHed off to the lAb.. so funnY~!!

mY mAin dooR knoB~!!

iN the lAb...i wAz lookinG for locksmithZ to cAll....buT the Kwik Key whicH i alwAyz pAtron to duplicAte keyZ iz on holidAy...theN qiN (mY lAndlord) sAid i couLd wAit untiL sundAy or somethinG.....she sAid locksmithZ overchArge here in bAltimore...

polinA did suggesT i cAll adAm to asK hiM whAt to do....welL...i thoughT of fixinG it myseLf befoRe outsourcinG.....

i am aloNe in chApel righT noW...siNce adAm moVed ouT...and the otheR houzemAte wenT to soMe cAmp...the neW houzemAte wilL arriVe onlY thiZ cominG sundAy = i reAlly felT aloNe~!!! so witH the one littLe tooL i hAve....i tried fixinG it...afteR lAbbing...i rusHed hoMe to trY.....and dA-duh! it worKed~!! ^O^

mY tinY screwdriveR~!!!

so hAppy...now don'T need to speNd a singLe cenT on the locksmitH...and don'T need to mAke new keyZ for everY tenAnt....

surprizinglY, i boughT the screwdriveR kindA foR fuN siNce it lookZ cuTe....it wAz froM the jHu bookshoP.......noW i guezZ everythinG iz boughT for a good reAzon. so....buY anythinG bAzed on youR instinctZ durinG retAil therApy!! ^O^

noW i knoW hoW to deAl witH lockZ....i shAll trY buyinG a neW dooR knoB witH good locK foR mY bAzement bAthroom...wahahAaa~



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