Tuesday, December 30, 2008

hAppy belAted chriztmAz~

oK....i mizZed blogginG abouT my chriztmAz in bAltimore~!!

actuAlly quiTe borinG......in singApore, chriztmAz and neW yeAr wilL be hAnging out witH geN beN fAmily whicH i so mizZ...............

buT heRe, welL....on chriztmAz eVe, i wenT shoppinG (retAil therApy) aloNe @ inneR hArbor (liKe orchArd roAd in singApore) and boughT liKe 7 topZ......LOL.....boughT stAtionery and a sonY rAdio alArm clocK toO~!! ^O^

on mY wAy bAck...i mizZed the 5pM shuttLe and hAd to wAit an houR in the coLd foR the finAl 6pM shuttLe (whicH mizZed me initiAlly and i hAd to sprinT for iT~!!).....durinG the coLd and lonelY one houR....i juZ roAmed arouNd the mounT vernoN areA and tooK coLd photoZ...:

the wAshington monumenT @ the mounT vernoN areA.....righT in fronT of the peAbody instituTe...

wAz tryinG to enteR peAbody to uze the bAthroom...buT duH?! eveN the mAin entrAnce wAz cloZed.........anywAyz, kudoZ to peAbody~

afteR thAt....hAd a chriztmAz gAthering witH felloW singAporeanz (liKe 10+ peopLe) arouNd the homewood cAmpuz areA....welL, the food wAz awesoMe and we wAtched "the holidAy" - cAmeron diAz iz uniQuely gorgeouZ~

theN on chriztmAz itseLf...i juZ stAyed hoMe aloNe.....webcAmed witH my zikziK...slowlY pAcked my neW biggeR mAzterbed rooM........and prAyed az welL~

and on boxinG dAy (26tH dec)...webcAmed witH my nice nice vincenT uncLe + hiZ fAmily (sAi goo + bAron + trinA)....hAd a fAntaztic chineZe meAl @ grAcegarden witH kihyucK, jiN, and kahsuaN...theN moRe shoppinG @ arundeL millZ....LOL.......boughT cAlvin kleiN jeAnz and an oAkley sweAter~ kahsuaN knocKed soMe senZe into me....so i sAved moneY on noT spendinG on the pAir of nice clArkz leAther shoeZ....thAnkz j.creW foR noT hAving siZe for my jeAnz...az welL az hAving lArge s-siZe sweAterz so i don'T hAve to buY it.... ;P

hAppy belAted chriztmAz~!!


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