Sunday, December 21, 2008

trY sAying nO.....!!

jiM....sufferinG the resulT of sAying "no" to the yeS mAn~!!

oK, kihyucK senT me the aboVe pictuRe....and it'Z juZ so funnY! it'Z tAken froM the seminAr sceNe durinG the "yeS mAn" moVie..and it feAturez jiM beinG condemNed and psycho-ed to sAy "yeZ"!!!

initiAlly he sAid "no".....theN he suffeRed dizcriminAtion froM everyoNe arouNd hiM, and he wAz eveN slAmmed onto the chAirz..gosH.

in a wAy....the condemnAtion iz liKe hoW chriztiAnz kindA pitY all non-chriztiAnz...i uze the woRd "pitY" bcuZ they bliVe thAt all non-chriztiAnz are not gonnA be quAlified to enteR heAven, and i bliVe all chriztiAnz are pAssionate humAnz.

theN...the slAmming onto the chAirz...iz liKe beinG throwN into helL....hahAaa....if you don'T bliVe and you dizagRee witH the dogmA theN you shAll be dumPed into helL~!!

do i mAke seNze? welL, i wouLd sAy i mAke perfecT seNze.

to helL i go...(in the chriztiAn contexT)
and i'lL keeP sAying "no!!!!!!"...


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