Monday, December 29, 2008


i wAz checkinG mY cAll-lizT on mY mobiLe phoNe rAndomly....and i juZ reAlized thiZ:

i cAlled adAm @ 12:09pM on 28 dec 2008...,
and i receiVed a cAll froM adAm @ 12:09pM on 29 dec 2008~!!!

whAt a cuTe timelY coincideNce~!! hahAaa....

anywAyz, thereafteR, he senT me a pictuRe msG (in singApore it'z cAlled mmS)..whicH i spenT so mucH tiMe cAlling the cuztomeR serVice of t-mobiLe to seNd me the t-mobiLe interneT settingZ in ordeR to downloAd it.....:

izn'T the floridA beAch simplY beAutiful...? adAm wAz @ the beAch and he actuAlly mentioNed the crisP seAwater and the cleAr skY...witH littLe cloudZ floAting aboVe the seA....

i mizZ the seA - i uzed to siT on bedoK jettY aloNe alonG eAst coAst pArk (iN singApore)........and chAt witH the seA, who replieZ me witH the wAvez...and the i sound crAzy? yeA.... ;P

the seA anywheRe iz the sAme siNce the seAz are all connecTed - prettY mucH liKe the skiN of a humAn beinG....the skiN iz the lArgezt orgAn of a humAn, thuZ the seA iz liKe the skiN of motheR eArth? hmM......i thinK thiZ mAkez seNze. ;)

welL, floridA muz be greAt to be @....siNce bAltimore iz gettinG winterY......*jolA chuptA!! = very verY coLd (in koreAn)!!*

whAt a cuTe coincideNce~!! ^o^


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