Monday, December 22, 2008

bAck hoMe sAfely....finAlly...

thiZ shouLd be retrospectiVe to lAst lAst thurZ and fridAy (11 and 12 dec. 2008) - the depArture dAyz of adAm (mY nice nice floridA muziciAn houZemate) from chApel (wheRe i liVe)...

adAm asKed for me to helP hiM pAck i spenT lotzA efforT pAcking witH hiM for a coupLe of dAyz............and he trulY hAz tonnezzZ of clothezzZ~!!!

anywAyz, on thurZ (11 dec. 2008)...i tooK verY eArly off froM my lAb to visiT the nAtional shriNe in DC witH hiM....siNce thAt'z hiZ finAl mAzz plAying there. i wenT theRe witH hiM oNce befoRe......welL, it iz trulY an artpiece whicH giveZ me peAce.....eveN thougH i'M not a cAtholic.

i juZ feeL so sAfe and nice in thAt shriNe....somehoW. ^o^

wAiting for the mAzz to begiN..., yeZ, i sAt in the mAzz thAt adAm plAyed the orgAn foR....

the beAutiful chApel the mAzz wAz heLd....thiZ oNe hAz a cuTe tinY orgAn.. ;)

i loVe thiZ portrAit on the ceilinG of the shriNe...whicH feAturez Jesus (or God or Lord) lookinG dowN @ you...i loVe to stAnd directlY underneAth, looK upwArdz into His sterN eyez and sAy "hi! plZ smiLe!!". ^O^

afteR the mAzz....we proceeded to ouR lAndlord'z (qiN) suburbAn houZe to hAve a fArewell dinneR........qiN'z reAlly a wonderfuL and optimiztic lAdy!! i love chAtting witH heR bcuZ she'Z fulL of lAughter...hahAaa....adAm remAined in chApel bcuZ of qiN'z nicenezZ....and so do i~! she'Z so funnY she sAid there'Z an invisibLe feNce arouNd her houZe wheN cinderellA (heR dog) folloWed adAm'z cAr onto the roAd wheN were leAving....alSo, she pAzzed on the appointmenT of "houZe manageR" froM adAm to me... ^O^

thereafteR, on our wAy bAck to chApel to contiNue pAcking...adAm kepT plAying some orgAn workZ on hiZ cd in hiZ hondA....and he kepT repeAting the orgAn workZ feAturing "it'Z a grAnd nighT foR singinG" - whicH he sAid iz froM a muzicAl....he explAined thAt the orgAn wAz uzed to plAy muZic durinG muzicAlz in the pAzt....*woW*

theN the funnY pArt comeZ wheN he tried singinG to the tuNe whiLe drivinG...hahAaa....."it'z....a...grAnd nighT for singinG.........fAlling, fAlling in loVe..." he doezn'T knoW the fulL lyricZ and juZ kepT fillinG in witH "theN a buncH of wordZ".......hahAaa.... he simplY mAkez me lAugh! ^O^

anywAyz i seArched out the lovelY sonG and here it iz:

"it'Z a grAnd nighT for singinG"...sAng by dicK hAymez in the muzicAl "stAte fAir".

anywAyz...the tiMe finAlly cAme, and the nexT dAy (fridAy, 12 dec. 2008)...i wAz delAyed foR lAb (luckilY dR. polinA iz verY understAnding!!!) cuZ i wAz seriouzlY helpinG adAm finAlize the pAcking of all hiZ stuffzzZz......and theN he treAted me luncH @ "tAzte of chinA" - hiZ fAvorite chineZe food plAce arouNd chApel...

"hoT and spicY chickeN" az usuAl...beef foR hiM. ;)

eventuAlly...18hrz of southwArdz drivinG froM mAryland broughT adAm sAfely bAck to floridA~!!!!! pheW~! ^O^

...i'M remiNded of a chineZe sAying - "天下无不散之宴席"...whicH meAnz alL gAtheringz hAve to coMe to an eNd....juZ liKe friendZ gettinG togetheR, and separAting....juZ liKe me sepArating froM alL my fAmily and friendZ in'Z all so logicAl. ;)

alL the bestesT foR adAm...and coN amoRe~


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