Tuesday, December 02, 2008

unhAppy night skY...

juZ befoRe we wenT hoMe froM lAb juZ now....dR. kAthy suddenlY toLd me and dR. polinA about thiZ rAre vieW in the skY - the mooN, venuS, and jupiteR forminG an equilAteral triAngle in the night skY~!!!!

we weRe liKe.... *woW* so, we hurried to a dArk meeting rooM, and looKed out the full lengtH windoW....and here iz the interestinG conformAtion:

a zooMed in vieW....

a zooMed out vieW witH buildingZ to shoW some frAmework...az suggesTed by dR. kAthy~!!

so nice isn'T it? if you rotAte the orientAtion....you will see thAt the crescenT mooN iz actuAlly the sAd droopinG lipZ of a deprezZed fAce....witH jupiteR and venuS mAking up the tinY brighT eyeZ....sigH~!!!

abiT of aztronomY...siNce i wAz froM the aztronomY cLub bAck wheN i wAz...17-18? venuZ appeArz to be the brightesT plAnet in our solAr syzteM...yeA, thAt'z all i knoW. hahAahahaaa....i forgoT lotzzZ of aztronomY thingieZ...

anywAyz, thiZ evenT iz terMed plAnetary conjuctioN, where plAnetz in the solAr syzteM coMe cloZe to one anotheR in the skY....you cAn reAd more heRe.

okAi....thereafteR, dR. kAthy droVe me hoMe...togetheR witH the huGe tV she kindlY gAve to me!! noW mY houZe hAz a lArger tV for me to wAtch sponGebob~!!!! *clApzzZ*

hAppy dAy with an unhAppy night skY...


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