yiyi'Z hoRze rAce theorY...
quiTe a long wAY from simei....but thAnkz to him (reAlly!) thAt i reAched schooL by 730aM! ^O^
througH the journey we kindA chAtted cAsually....tAlked about studying, and i toLd him thAt i reAlly dizliKe the competition in schoolz...recAlling my jc dAyz to hiM...then he gAve me an analogY - the hoRse rAce theorY...
he dezcribed a computeR gAme...on hoRse rAcing...and during the rAce, ANY rAce, at the beginning of it...the hoRses will rusH all at once and sooN tAke position along the trAck....severAl will tAke the leAd, most will clump in the middle, and severAl will be cAtching up at the bAck. theN he sAid the initiAL leAderz will tAke leAd all the wAy...if they were overtooK, some horses will lose morAle and slow dowN and lose eventuAlly. diff. hoRses behAve differentlY...but i belieVe some initiAl leAderz will strive eveN hArder to leAd agAin once overtAken by any otheR. then thoze in the middle....will stAy in the middle cuZ they feel comfortAble in the croWd...and mAybe accelerAte at the lAst pArt of the rAce to win the rest...az for thoZe at the bAck, they may be stRuggling....or mAy be slAcking initiAlly...but similArly at a lAter pArt of the rAce....they will try theiR best to speed up all the wAy and eventuAlly beAt the resT! (blAck hoRse...) also....some hoRse doesn'T like to rAce too cloze to the otherz...so it will keeP a distAnce from the otherz......whicH iz the optimum condition which it can perform..oNce trApped in a croWd...it wilL underperfoRm....contrArily, soMe hoRses cAn neveR surviVe withouT squeezinG on the trAck with otheR sweAty hoRses...bodY to bodY!
theN i sAid...yuP, and now the schooL juZ reopeNed...juZ liKe how the gAtez were rAized at the beginninG of a hoRse rAce...and everyoNe will give fulL blAst initiAlly to tAke up their respectiVe initiAl positionz iN the rAce...
welL, i wAz strugglinG v. terriblY during my junioR colleGe dAyz...and the jC rAce wAz compleTed with the finAl mirAculouz sprinT.....and the resultz of the rAce wAz acceptAble~ ^o^
noW, anotheR 4-yeAr rAce hAz beguN....a quArter hAz been conqueRed witH a leAding grAce......aNd i prAY thAt the solitAry poweR hoRze cAn nurtuRe towArdz the betteR alwAyz!!! thiZ iz a rAce agAinst oneself...all the besT to the poweR hoRze!!!