Friday, July 29, 2005

yiyi'Z hoRze rAce theorY...

wAz honoRed to be abLe to cAtch a ride in yiyi'Z cAr to my schooL~ he'Z also on hiZ wAy to cAmp...hence, he didn'T mind it at all~ guezZ thiz will be the only time thougH...hahAaa...

quiTe a long wAY from simei....but thAnkz to him (reAlly!) thAt i reAched schooL by 730aM! ^O^

througH the journey we kindA chAtted cAsually....tAlked about studying, and i toLd him thAt i reAlly dizliKe the competition in schoolz...recAlling my jc dAyz to hiM...then he gAve me an analogY - the hoRse rAce theorY...

he dezcribed a computeR gAme...on hoRse rAcing...and during the rAce, ANY rAce, at the beginning of it...the hoRses will rusH all at once and sooN tAke position along the trAck....severAl will tAke the leAd, most will clump in the middle, and severAl will be cAtching up at the bAck. theN he sAid the initiAL leAderz will tAke leAd all the wAy...if they were overtooK, some horses will lose morAle and slow dowN and lose eventuAlly. diff. hoRses behAve differentlY...but i belieVe some initiAl leAderz will strive eveN hArder to leAd agAin once overtAken by any otheR. then thoze in the middle....will stAy in the middle cuZ they feel comfortAble in the croWd...and mAybe accelerAte at the lAst pArt of the rAce to win the for thoZe at the bAck, they may be stRuggling....or mAy be slAcking initiAlly...but similArly at a lAter pArt of the rAce....they will try theiR best to speed up all the wAy and eventuAlly beAt the resT! (blAck hoRse...) also....some hoRse doesn'T like to rAce too cloze to the it will keeP a distAnce from the otherz......whicH iz the optimum condition which it can perform..oNce trApped in a wilL underperfoRm....contrArily, soMe hoRses cAn neveR surviVe withouT squeezinG on the trAck with otheR sweAty hoRses...bodY to bodY!

theN i sAid...yuP, and now the schooL juZ reopeNed...juZ liKe how the gAtez were rAized at the beginninG of a hoRse rAce...and everyoNe will give fulL blAst initiAlly to tAke up their respectiVe initiAl positionz iN the rAce...

welL, i wAz strugglinG v. terriblY during my junioR colleGe dAyz...and the jC rAce wAz compleTed with the finAl mirAculouz sprinT.....and the resultz of the rAce wAz acceptAble~ ^o^

noW, anotheR 4-yeAr rAce hAz beguN....a quArter hAz been conqueRed witH a leAding grAce......aNd i prAY thAt the solitAry poweR hoRze cAn nurtuRe towArdz the betteR alwAyz!!! thiZ iz a rAce agAinst oneself...all the besT to the poweR hoRze!!!


crizZ angeL - miNd freAk!

wAz switchinG chAnnelz while pAcking my bAg for the schooL reopeninG dAy! abT 11+pM....on a sundAy nighT, and suddenlY i wAz cAught upon thiz show cAlled crizZ angeL - miNd freAk!

he'Z a magiciAn in the stAtez i suppoze....who iz obviouzly promoted az a freAk.....hmM, but hiz "trickz" were fAscinAting...reAlly, liKe how he turned a cup of coffee into a cup of roAchez..hahAaa....and also hiz disAppearing and reappeAring stuntz - interestinG!

thinK i mAy tune in to hiM...aH! juZ recAlled another magiciAn'z show which i seeM to ALWAYZ mizz tuning to....and he iz dAvid blAin (thinK spellinG correcT lAh...;P)
mAgic - doez it exist? iz it true? or is it juZ an illusion? all unreAL?! or juZ a moment of distortion of ouR mindz mirAculously all at the sAme time? wAz discussing and trying to explAin some philosophical rAtionalist concepts to gokgoK...and he seeMed blur...hahAaaa...whAT i meAnt to sAy waz...thAt a rationAlist will only accepT whAt iz reAsonable, tRue....and solid. for instAnce, 1+1=2. it alwAyz haz to be so cuZ it mAkez sense.

howeveR, perhApz we az eArthlingz are too tAmed to the "nAtural rules" which we believe for all thingZ fAll, all thingZ will stAy where they are without anyoNe removing them......we liVe by theze rulez...and they are universAl in the human world, which every single humAn-being acceptz them. BUT, perhApz mAgicianz are able to see thAT thiz mAy not be the definiTe cAze...bcuZ theze ruLez are mAde by humAn beingz and accepted by humAn beingz....which iz like 99.9999999999999999999999999999% almoZ ALL of uz....and if, and only if, thingz cAn be the wAy which iz NOT the usuAl way...juZ az long az you convince and believe and iz able to see through the fAct thAt it iz truly so, theN you cAn do whAtever you wAnt witH your cleAr miNd in thiZ woRld....

do i mAke seNse?


a tiiiiinY biT of rearrAngement...;P

noTe thAt the preV. posT shouLd come afteR the nexT 2 postinGz....^o^

sbS yeAr02 - firsT weeK... stilL survivinG!

now yeAr02....and i do feeL the added loAd, i meAN academic loAd....

and juZ reAlized the unsuccessfuL applicAtion of one of my scholArshipz....nM!!! won'T let anythinG greY my thoughtz..!!! i hAve brighT hopeZ for another oNe!! ^O^ so hAppy me wAz inviTed to join in thiZ reseArch progrAm for studentz....yA know, do reseArch az a student and i get pAid!! 10 buckZ per houR iz trulY a greAt deAl!! i need thAt bAsic cAsh for survivAl but most importAntly, i trulY wannA exploRe the field of scientific reseArch.....and so i gottA decide which field of biologY i'M interesTed in exploring and alSo the professoR who i wisH to pursue to upperstudY me...yAy!!! so hAppy!! hoPe alL thingZ go well and i trulY get inTo thiZ progrAm thingIe - "urecA"~! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

anywAy me so hAppy thAt i am going for the NDP preview thiZ sAt with vicVic!! ^O^

oH....and i hAve decided to droP the gN14 - understAnding and appreciAting plAntz, if not i would be hAving lessonz now! hahAaa....okAi, guezZ i oughT to continue to "minoR in nAture appreciAtion" in the severAl semezterz to coMe...;P

yAy!!! gottA stAy focuzed on my coRe modulez...^O^

leT fAte leAd my wAy...

P.S.: i die dIe gottA studY the textbookZ i boughT!!! and i'M gonnA buY one moRe!! ^O^

Saturday, July 23, 2005

gN14 understAnding and appreciAting plAntz...

yuP, thiz iz the generAl elective thAt i am gonnA be studyinG thiZ semezter!!

for your informAtion, i sTudied gL11 nAture appreciAtion: singApore's biRd life previouz seM...and now it'z seemz liKe nAture appreciAtion pArt II - plAnt appreciAtion~ thinK i oughT to appeAl to hAve a minoR in nAture appreciAtion!!!

hahAaa...i recAll how my jc tutoR dreAded teAching uz plAntie topicz bAck then...and now, me gonnA tAke a whoLe subject on plAntz! ;P

me perfectlY okAi with thAt....juZ wonderinG why cAn't i get my 1sT choice all the tiMe?? i wAnted to leArn about voice projectioN...yA know, all about my own vocAl chordz...lAst seM. me wAnted to leArn about yogA....i guezz it'z all fAte, i aM gonnA be a biRdie and plAntie persoN~

lessonZ are on fridAy eveningz....heNce, it doesn'T affect my lessonZ or tuition sessionZ at all - greAt!

all righT, gottA thinK abT whAt to'z restArting on mondAy! 2 dAyz' time! but me knoW me gonnA striVe and thriVe through it alL!!!


Thursday, July 21, 2005

sophie'Z worLd...

finAlly i compleTed thiz 500++ pAgez philosophicAl booK!!! whicH iz fictioN, a novel style kindA book on the historY of philosophY for younG mindz. ^o^

Jostein Gaarder made me hunt dowN thiz booK after i compleTed hiz "The Solitaire Mystery"..on philosophY too. thinK i enjoY the solitAire myzterY more...cuZ it'z more fAiry tale...without all thoze historicAl detAilz...

for sophie'Z woRld, it revolves reAding a book in the booK thAt i am reAding too...mAy be confusing at pArtz, and reAlly droninG...esp on the historY pArt....but at leAst now it mAkez sense thAt scieNce, mAth...all the bAsic academic subjectZ actuAlly rooted froM philosophY........which iz simply the study of the meAning of existence. now i knoW about the timeliNe of our pAst....which drAgz about 3000 yeArz - the lAte antiquity, the middLe age, the renAissance, the bAroque, and finAlly the period of enlightenmenT. wheW!

me reAd about the vAriouz fAmous philosophers too....socrAtez, plAto, aristotle...and of courZe democrituz, who thought of the "atoM theorY"! all theZe make me wannA wAlk around the temple ruinz in Athens, Greece, myself....shAll mAke a trip down to the originAting grouNd of philosopherZ! but thAt'z next time wheN i worK and sAve up some cAsh lAh...hahAaa....

strAngely, i hAd weird dreAmz everytime i lAy down the book and stAmp my pAssbook across dreAmland...perhApz it awAkens part of my unconsciousnezz cuZ it mAkez me thinK, it mAkez me pondeR deeper thAn i would about life...or hAve i alreAdy drifTed deeper and deepeR?

bAck to philosophy, obviously, no normAl one cAn answer the philosphicAl qnz of who are we and where do we coMe from? i tRied to thinK about thAt so mAny timez through severAl yeArz....whicH leAdz me to no answer, and i aM sure thAt you will hAve no answer too. but theRe muZ be an answeR to any question, if not there will not be thAt questioN in the 1sT plAce. i stilL bliVe thAt the journeY to philosophicAl answerz iz definitely NOT a soLo effort. we gottA get everyoNe out of theiR cyclicAl livez, and everyoNe of uz with a thinkinG mind gottA converge ouR mindz to the sAme qnz, it iz theN we will get our answerz...

heY, but iz there sucH a huGe auditorium to fit everyoNe in to thinK the sAme thoughT? the eArth hAz to be the auditoriuM theN..........*aRrrrgh!*

prAying for answerz...

kiTe flyinG...

meT up with my gHz (General HOusehold Survey) pAlz 3 dAyz ago for a reunion outinG...before schooL beginz and eTc..

onlY me and creAmy turned up for the kiTe flying pArt...and the resT did join for the steAmboat pArt.

mArina soutH....kiTe flying, remindz me of the eArly dAyz of childhood when vincenT uncLe used to bring us (me and my siblingz and cousins) to fly memoriez of uz cutting and snAtching other peopLe'z kiTez!! hahAaaa....and my own kiTe flying with creAmy wAz like...not reAlly successfuL, cuZ it only fleW for sAy 2 minutez? the kiTe shoP uncLe sAid thAt mondAy hAz no wind loh...and reAlly mondAyz hAve no wind?! the breeze iz like so trAnsient...duH! i hAd to ruN across the fieLd to fly the kiTe "artificiAlly"...and creAmy waz in-chArged of helping me releAse the kiTe. didn'T reAlly fleW our cute winnIe the pooH kiTe but thinK it'z fuN! ^O^

az for the steAmboat...welL, didn't reAlly enjoy it....cuZ the "smugglinG" missioN also didn't worK out. anywAy, SQ and cindY were not reAlly eating, they juZ sAt with us.....and the "Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian" boss kindA generouz not to force theM to pAy 12 buckz for juZ a stick of sAtay that they aTe. *sigH* liKe we sAid...the Zhen Fa uncle v. fieRce....but he'z a businessmAn juZ kepT quiet throughout the confrontAtion...and i would sAy it'z kindA funny. ;P
after the mArina soutH thingIe, we wenT Holland V! my first tiMe...and we settLed down at TCC to chAt loH...plAy truth and trutH....hahAaa...guezZ hollAnd V iz juZ a gathering plAce for older ppL....who simply prefer to sit and chAt. for me? mAybe a couple more yeArz to reAch thAt stAge lah...hahAaa...

conclusioN, it'z alwAyz more convenient to go ouT with your owN vehicLe! thAnkz to even though we chAtted til wee hourz we stilL manAged to get hoMe smoothlY~

gonnA mAke sure my kiTe fliez!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

NSAIDS/Aspirin & penicilliN

returNed to the doctor again juZ now...cuZ of another druG allergY! now my eyelidZ are swolleN to a greAt extent....which hurtZ too! *sigH* the above are the mediciNe whicH i am allergiC to...

cuZ of thiZ, thinK i am unable to tAke juZ any pAinkiller...which mAkez thingz kindA tougH~ my muM commenTed that it wouLd be v. troubLesome for me to studY overseAz...or mAybe worK overseAz...whicH iz kindA true. mAybe if i eveR crozz overseAz...i shAll asK the doc to checK out thiZ bloG entry if i forgeT the nAmez...heH~ thiZ new med for the de-swellinG...

off to soMe mApleseA, theN it'z finishinG sophie'Z worLd, theN resT lotz!

prAying for speedy recoverY...

pimpLe breAkout!!

hAd higH feveR the preV. sAt.....wAnted to sAve cAsh so didn'T see doctor....and the feveR subsided after a good sleep. howeveR, and strAngely....pimpLez flourished after the feveR!! aRRgghhh!!!!!!

felT so vulnerAble cuZ it'z been so long siNce i've sighted so many of them all at cheek, my noze...*sigH*

but me kepT thinking thAt so whAt if the pimplez are there righT? muZ i cAre so much for my appeArance? even without the pimplez, i look juZ liKe a normal guy....and now, i aM juZ a normal-lookinG young mAn with pimpLez yeA? yeA! ;P

appeArance doesn't mAtter az long az me still a buddhisT, trying to be a good person to the besT i cAn. ^o^

anywAy...the flu i cAught didn't go away after 4 dAyz of bodily strugglez....and in vieW of the schooL reopeninG in less thAn a week'z time, me went to see my fAmily doctor todAy....33 buckz consuMed...

wAz sitting in the clinic about 2 hourz ago, the sight of it bringz bAck my jc memoriez where i sit in theRe so often to get MC to excuze myself from the dreAdful lessonz and lecturez...hahAaa...feigning sicknezZ, not reAlly feigning....oK, feigning physicAl sicknezz but hAving true mentAl illnezz theN. hey me not mAd ok! juZ thAt i waz reAlly kindA mentAlly dizturbed in jc....hahAaaaa....yA know, the rebel-and-repel-anythinG stAge of one'z life? seeN the doc so mAny timez then...he would be a fooL if he didn'T know i wAz fAking...hahAaa...but i liKe him cuZ i get my MC everytime! ^O^ felT guilty of thoZe dAyz...thus, me kindA feel deterred to see the doctoR now thAt i am growN.

alSo, me asked my doctor why the pimpLez flourished after the feveR, he didn't give a specific answer...but he suggested for me NOT to squeeze the pimplez! so peepz out there, DO NOT squeeze your pimpleZ oK! juZ leAve them alone and your body will do the resT. ^o^ anywAY the doc surprized me by suggesting to cuT the biggest pimpLe which iz on my noze! he tooK a smAll knife and deeped into my noze....of courZe blood and puz oozed out...eeeWW...he sAid thiz will aid the heALing process...didn't feel pAin at all thougH...whAt'z a smAll cut compAred to my yeArzzzzz of pimpLe fighting experieNce? ;P

prAying for good complexioN agAin...

mAplestorY...and PS2.

if you hAve no ideA what mAplestory iz, or mApleSEA, liKe i waZ, ...go:

it iz simplY an adorAble online gAme...which involves you going around the plAce killing little cute "demonz" which are snAilz and mushroomz etc.

goT intro-ed to thiZ gAme via my astronomY gAng...wheN we hAd an outing at jerM'z house...moz of theM were crAzy about thiZ mAplesea thingIe....if not they were crAzy about the PS2...mY, i felt soooooOOOoo oLd and left behind in tiMe...when we are all 21+! duH...

howeveR, in order to cAtch up abit, i decided to plAy mAplestory too! and me kindA enjoy it! if you see illZ, thAt'z me! hahAaa....currently me weAring leAther sAndals, greY heAdband, and cArrying a long swoRd. ;P kindA enjoy thiZ choZe to be a magiciAn, currentlY at leveL 10...going onto leveL 11, so thAt i cAn weAr thiZ blue witH one whiTe striPe t-shirT.

and az for PS2, me stArted to plAy a seriez of brAinlezz gAmez with my friendz....hahAaa...reAlly brAInlezz! cuZ the gAme interfAce looked so complicAted (it'z a fighting gAme) and i thought one would tAke liKe dAyz to master the instruction buttonZ for the chAracterz. so, i wAz deterred to try....but i reAlized thAt my friendz were anyhow-ly pressinG the controller!!! duH!!! neverthelezZ, it wAz so the character fights when you anyhow-ly press the controller...hahA, besT iz angelA who plAys the controller like a piAno! and besteR iz jerM who cAme up with a cheAt code...which allowed a winninG streAk if we juZ keep on pressing the 2 similar buttonz! hahaAaa...

alSo, we plAyed ninjA turtlez on PS2 too, we were looking for multiplAyer gAMez and the best we could find iz the turtle gAme! 4-plAyerz at a time....and we were pAssing the controllerz ard. there were about 7 or 8 of uZ! thiZ gAme iz not so brAinless after all...we hAve to figure out how to cleAr eAch stAge...and cuZ we shAre the sAme "life", we gottA tAke cAre of eAch other all the time. ^o^ buildz up teAm work and spirit toO! the stAge on cArrying the fugitoId around wAz surely a tough one...and luckily me figuRed out how to cArry the cute fugitoId...^o^

thiZ iz sucH a fuN gAmely woRld...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

fAye wonG - the 1st and mAybe the lAst complete musicAl compilAtion.

hahA...fAye, the womAn who cAn make me spend cAsh on her in spite my ultrA tight finAncial situAtion!!! couldn't resisT it and i cAshed in on thiz compilation...whicH iz 24.9 buckZ! i simply loVe fAye!!!

now i hAve theze cAnto songz of well az some rArer songs, and older songz....

why oH why....i hoPe she will not stop singinG....

and also, i got thiz 15-mTv dVd from the pAckage...finAlly i get to see thiZ "you hAppy so i hAppy"...

simplY loving fAye

Thursday, July 14, 2005


beeN attending Shuzhen and shuzheNs' convo. ceremony...botH the shuzheNz from nTu and nuS...funnY thougH, but i lookd at the ceremony and the joyious feel from a corner...juZ trying to be quiet *actuAlly i felT left out...* and observant at how human beings behAve - do they even know why they are here?

if i asKed them...whAt do you think you are doing? they would hAve replied...either here to convocAte, or to celebrAte the convocAtion of a close friend or relAtive...hmM, but is thAt all?

thinK philosophicAlly, they are humAn beings running around on eArth, specificAlly on thiZ mini lAnd mAss cAlled Singapore, and even more specificAlly in the cAmpuses of nTu and nuS....but did theY even thinK so fAr, yet so neAr? do i mAke sense?! duH...

but bAck to being more humAnly, i am hAppy for them...liKe whAt jerM said, we attend their's now, and they will attend our's in 2 or 3 yeArs' time! ^o^

jerM noted how the convocAting guyz dressed...and we shAll do a similAr one, however....i felt thAT a guy doesn't ALWAYz hAve to wear a white long sleeve shirt undeneAth, i shAll be weAring my creAmy pAle blue long sleeVe shirt theN...hahA....^O^

juZ prAY thAT i cAn convocAte 3 (or mAybe 2.5 yeArz) yeArz' time!!!

optimisM iz the keY... ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

workinG hArd in my studies...

zoe tAy

i hAve alwayz been a fAn of fAmily'z kinda the zoe fAmily. ^o^

and after a womAn juZ gAve'z nAtural for her to seem abit bloAted! zoe iz a sense she looked plumper, true, and thought she declAred to use some nAtural slimming tehnique? ;P

perhApz me miztAken, but i was surprised to see her tAKing on the extriM thingIe...thought thAt mArie frAnce iz more suitAble for her Queen of Caldecott Hill stAtus....hahAa, but MF chose ireNe anG insteAd...i suppoze extriM gAVe a betteR price? but thAt'z unlikely right?

anywAy, reAd her article on extriM, and it waz reAlly wise of her to ensure thAt she does not feed her bAby breAst milK when she was on the extriM pill...whAt she did was to extrAct and store excess milK...isn't thAt cool? hahAaa....

her bAby will grow strong and heAlthy, for suRe. ^o^

besT regArdz...

nKf, huAng na...and london bombinG.

woW, been flipping through the pAperz recently and reAlized how unfortunAte events flooded the heAdlines...

1stly, the thing about nKf exploiting the donAtion fund....thAt iz juZ RIDICULOUS!!! dAmn, guezz we shAll not donAte to them if their wAy of hAndling our donAtion iz so self-indulgent and self-extrAvagant. you mAy still choose to donAte, but me - a definite NO. i knoW there are ppL who truly need donAtion, but gottA wait til a trustAble middlemAn appeArz before i tAke a cent out of my pocket. anywAy, me not working....hahA, will wAit 3 yeArz for a reliAble foundation to arise~

2ndly, the tragedy on huAng nA...the chinA young girL who waz murdered by thiZ 20+ yrz old mAlaysian hAppened in Singapore, thus, it revolves 3 orientAl countries at one go...

3rdlY, the londoN bombing. welL, i congrAtulAte them on winning the don't-know-whAt for the Olympics 2012...but the bombingz cAme right after the announcement...iz thAT a coincidence or whAt? duH...perhApz the touted terrorist attAck, perhApz the act of jeAlousy? but who would be so uncivilised....*sigH* juZ hope thAt thiz kind of nonsense will stop and may the suffererz recover sooN...

mAy there be worLd peAce and hAppinezz...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

simpLe hAppinezz...^o^

me felT my heArtbeat fAcial muscles uncontrollAbly trAnsformed my fAce into smiles and lAughter - i am simplY thrilLed!!!

it'Z beeN a whiLe since i hAve felT such pure hAppinezz, and i will do my utmosT to mAintain thiz...

howeveR, isn't it a blessing of puRe hAppinezz juZ to be sitting and typing and living my life? definitelY a yeZ...

all righT, will keeP uP with my studiez.....i will do my besT~!!!

mAy all be hAppy...^.^ ^o^ ^O^