Friday, July 29, 2005

sbS yeAr02 - firsT weeK... stilL survivinG!

now yeAr02....and i do feeL the added loAd, i meAN academic loAd....

and juZ reAlized the unsuccessfuL applicAtion of one of my scholArshipz....nM!!! won'T let anythinG greY my thoughtz..!!! i hAve brighT hopeZ for another oNe!! ^O^ so hAppy me wAz inviTed to join in thiZ reseArch progrAm for studentz....yA know, do reseArch az a student and i get pAid!! 10 buckZ per houR iz trulY a greAt deAl!! i need thAt bAsic cAsh for survivAl but most importAntly, i trulY wannA exploRe the field of scientific reseArch.....and so i gottA decide which field of biologY i'M interesTed in exploring and alSo the professoR who i wisH to pursue to upperstudY me...yAy!!! so hAppy!! hoPe alL thingZ go well and i trulY get inTo thiZ progrAm thingIe - "urecA"~! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

anywAy me so hAppy thAt i am going for the NDP preview thiZ sAt with vicVic!! ^O^

oH....and i hAve decided to droP the gN14 - understAnding and appreciAting plAntz, if not i would be hAving lessonz now! hahAaa....okAi, guezZ i oughT to continue to "minoR in nAture appreciAtion" in the severAl semezterz to coMe...;P

yAy!!! gottA stAy focuzed on my coRe modulez...^O^

leT fAte leAd my wAy...

P.S.: i die dIe gottA studY the textbookZ i boughT!!! and i'M gonnA buY one moRe!! ^O^


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