Wednesday, July 20, 2005

pimpLe breAkout!!

hAd higH feveR the preV. sAt.....wAnted to sAve cAsh so didn'T see doctor....and the feveR subsided after a good sleep. howeveR, and strAngely....pimpLez flourished after the feveR!! aRRgghhh!!!!!!

felT so vulnerAble cuZ it'z been so long siNce i've sighted so many of them all at cheek, my noze...*sigH*

but me kepT thinking thAt so whAt if the pimplez are there righT? muZ i cAre so much for my appeArance? even without the pimplez, i look juZ liKe a normal guy....and now, i aM juZ a normal-lookinG young mAn with pimpLez yeA? yeA! ;P

appeArance doesn't mAtter az long az me still a buddhisT, trying to be a good person to the besT i cAn. ^o^

anywAy...the flu i cAught didn't go away after 4 dAyz of bodily strugglez....and in vieW of the schooL reopeninG in less thAn a week'z time, me went to see my fAmily doctor todAy....33 buckz consuMed...

wAz sitting in the clinic about 2 hourz ago, the sight of it bringz bAck my jc memoriez where i sit in theRe so often to get MC to excuze myself from the dreAdful lessonz and lecturez...hahAaa...feigning sicknezZ, not reAlly feigning....oK, feigning physicAl sicknezz but hAving true mentAl illnezz theN. hey me not mAd ok! juZ thAt i waz reAlly kindA mentAlly dizturbed in jc....hahAaaaa....yA know, the rebel-and-repel-anythinG stAge of one'z life? seeN the doc so mAny timez then...he would be a fooL if he didn'T know i wAz fAking...hahAaa...but i liKe him cuZ i get my MC everytime! ^O^ felT guilty of thoZe dAyz...thus, me kindA feel deterred to see the doctoR now thAt i am growN.

alSo, me asked my doctor why the pimpLez flourished after the feveR, he didn't give a specific answer...but he suggested for me NOT to squeeze the pimplez! so peepz out there, DO NOT squeeze your pimpleZ oK! juZ leAve them alone and your body will do the resT. ^o^ anywAY the doc surprized me by suggesting to cuT the biggest pimpLe which iz on my noze! he tooK a smAll knife and deeped into my noze....of courZe blood and puz oozed out...eeeWW...he sAid thiz will aid the heALing process...didn't feel pAin at all thougH...whAt'z a smAll cut compAred to my yeArzzzzz of pimpLe fighting experieNce? ;P

prAying for good complexioN agAin...


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