Wednesday, July 20, 2005

mAplestorY...and PS2.

if you hAve no ideA what mAplestory iz, or mApleSEA, liKe i waZ, ...go:

it iz simplY an adorAble online gAme...which involves you going around the plAce killing little cute "demonz" which are snAilz and mushroomz etc.

goT intro-ed to thiZ gAme via my astronomY gAng...wheN we hAd an outing at jerM'z house...moz of theM were crAzy about thiZ mAplesea thingIe....if not they were crAzy about the PS2...mY, i felt soooooOOOoo oLd and left behind in tiMe...when we are all 21+! duH...

howeveR, in order to cAtch up abit, i decided to plAy mAplestory too! and me kindA enjoy it! if you see illZ, thAt'z me! hahAaa....currently me weAring leAther sAndals, greY heAdband, and cArrying a long swoRd. ;P kindA enjoy thiZ choZe to be a magiciAn, currentlY at leveL 10...going onto leveL 11, so thAt i cAn weAr thiZ blue witH one whiTe striPe t-shirT.

and az for PS2, me stArted to plAy a seriez of brAinlezz gAmez with my friendz....hahAaa...reAlly brAInlezz! cuZ the gAme interfAce looked so complicAted (it'z a fighting gAme) and i thought one would tAke liKe dAyz to master the instruction buttonZ for the chAracterz. so, i wAz deterred to try....but i reAlized thAt my friendz were anyhow-ly pressinG the controller!!! duH!!! neverthelezZ, it wAz so the character fights when you anyhow-ly press the controller...hahA, besT iz angelA who plAys the controller like a piAno! and besteR iz jerM who cAme up with a cheAt code...which allowed a winninG streAk if we juZ keep on pressing the 2 similar buttonz! hahaAaa...

alSo, we plAyed ninjA turtlez on PS2 too, we were looking for multiplAyer gAMez and the best we could find iz the turtle gAme! 4-plAyerz at a time....and we were pAssing the controllerz ard. there were about 7 or 8 of uZ! thiZ gAme iz not so brAinless after all...we hAve to figure out how to cleAr eAch stAge...and cuZ we shAre the sAme "life", we gottA tAke cAre of eAch other all the time. ^o^ buildz up teAm work and spirit toO! the stAge on cArrying the fugitoId around wAz surely a tough one...and luckily me figuRed out how to cArry the cute fugitoId...^o^

thiZ iz sucH a fuN gAmely woRld...


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