Friday, July 29, 2005

crizZ angeL - miNd freAk!

wAz switchinG chAnnelz while pAcking my bAg for the schooL reopeninG dAy! abT 11+pM....on a sundAy nighT, and suddenlY i wAz cAught upon thiz show cAlled crizZ angeL - miNd freAk!

he'Z a magiciAn in the stAtez i suppoze....who iz obviouzly promoted az a freAk.....hmM, but hiz "trickz" were fAscinAting...reAlly, liKe how he turned a cup of coffee into a cup of roAchez..hahAaa....and also hiz disAppearing and reappeAring stuntz - interestinG!

thinK i mAy tune in to hiM...aH! juZ recAlled another magiciAn'z show which i seeM to ALWAYZ mizz tuning to....and he iz dAvid blAin (thinK spellinG correcT lAh...;P)
mAgic - doez it exist? iz it true? or is it juZ an illusion? all unreAL?! or juZ a moment of distortion of ouR mindz mirAculously all at the sAme time? wAz discussing and trying to explAin some philosophical rAtionalist concepts to gokgoK...and he seeMed blur...hahAaaa...whAT i meAnt to sAy waz...thAt a rationAlist will only accepT whAt iz reAsonable, tRue....and solid. for instAnce, 1+1=2. it alwAyz haz to be so cuZ it mAkez sense.

howeveR, perhApz we az eArthlingz are too tAmed to the "nAtural rules" which we believe for all thingZ fAll, all thingZ will stAy where they are without anyoNe removing them......we liVe by theze rulez...and they are universAl in the human world, which every single humAn-being acceptz them. BUT, perhApz mAgicianz are able to see thAT thiz mAy not be the definiTe cAze...bcuZ theze ruLez are mAde by humAn beingz and accepted by humAn beingz....which iz like 99.9999999999999999999999999999% almoZ ALL of uz....and if, and only if, thingz cAn be the wAy which iz NOT the usuAl way...juZ az long az you convince and believe and iz able to see through the fAct thAt it iz truly so, theN you cAn do whAtever you wAnt witH your cleAr miNd in thiZ woRld....

do i mAke seNse?



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