Thursday, July 21, 2005

sophie'Z worLd...

finAlly i compleTed thiz 500++ pAgez philosophicAl booK!!! whicH iz fictioN, a novel style kindA book on the historY of philosophY for younG mindz. ^o^

Jostein Gaarder made me hunt dowN thiz booK after i compleTed hiz "The Solitaire Mystery"..on philosophY too. thinK i enjoY the solitAire myzterY more...cuZ it'z more fAiry tale...without all thoze historicAl detAilz...

for sophie'Z woRld, it revolves reAding a book in the booK thAt i am reAding too...mAy be confusing at pArtz, and reAlly droninG...esp on the historY pArt....but at leAst now it mAkez sense thAt scieNce, mAth...all the bAsic academic subjectZ actuAlly rooted froM philosophY........which iz simply the study of the meAning of existence. now i knoW about the timeliNe of our pAst....which drAgz about 3000 yeArz - the lAte antiquity, the middLe age, the renAissance, the bAroque, and finAlly the period of enlightenmenT. wheW!

me reAd about the vAriouz fAmous philosophers too....socrAtez, plAto, aristotle...and of courZe democrituz, who thought of the "atoM theorY"! all theZe make me wannA wAlk around the temple ruinz in Athens, Greece, myself....shAll mAke a trip down to the originAting grouNd of philosopherZ! but thAt'z next time wheN i worK and sAve up some cAsh lAh...hahAaa....

strAngely, i hAd weird dreAmz everytime i lAy down the book and stAmp my pAssbook across dreAmland...perhApz it awAkens part of my unconsciousnezz cuZ it mAkez me thinK, it mAkez me pondeR deeper thAn i would about life...or hAve i alreAdy drifTed deeper and deepeR?

bAck to philosophy, obviously, no normAl one cAn answer the philosphicAl qnz of who are we and where do we coMe from? i tRied to thinK about thAt so mAny timez through severAl yeArz....whicH leAdz me to no answer, and i aM sure thAt you will hAve no answer too. but theRe muZ be an answeR to any question, if not there will not be thAt questioN in the 1sT plAce. i stilL bliVe thAt the journeY to philosophicAl answerz iz definitely NOT a soLo effort. we gottA get everyoNe out of theiR cyclicAl livez, and everyoNe of uz with a thinkinG mind gottA converge ouR mindz to the sAme qnz, it iz theN we will get our answerz...

heY, but iz there sucH a huGe auditorium to fit everyoNe in to thinK the sAme thoughT? the eArth hAz to be the auditoriuM theN..........*aRrrrgh!*

prAying for answerz...


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