Thursday, July 14, 2005

nKf, huAng na...and london bombinG.

woW, been flipping through the pAperz recently and reAlized how unfortunAte events flooded the heAdlines...

1stly, the thing about nKf exploiting the donAtion fund....thAt iz juZ RIDICULOUS!!! dAmn, guezz we shAll not donAte to them if their wAy of hAndling our donAtion iz so self-indulgent and self-extrAvagant. you mAy still choose to donAte, but me - a definite NO. i knoW there are ppL who truly need donAtion, but gottA wait til a trustAble middlemAn appeArz before i tAke a cent out of my pocket. anywAy, me not working....hahA, will wAit 3 yeArz for a reliAble foundation to arise~

2ndly, the tragedy on huAng nA...the chinA young girL who waz murdered by thiZ 20+ yrz old mAlaysian hAppened in Singapore, thus, it revolves 3 orientAl countries at one go...

3rdlY, the londoN bombing. welL, i congrAtulAte them on winning the don't-know-whAt for the Olympics 2012...but the bombingz cAme right after the announcement...iz thAT a coincidence or whAt? duH...perhApz the touted terrorist attAck, perhApz the act of jeAlousy? but who would be so uncivilised....*sigH* juZ hope thAt thiz kind of nonsense will stop and may the suffererz recover sooN...

mAy there be worLd peAce and hAppinezz...


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