Saturday, July 23, 2005

gN14 understAnding and appreciAting plAntz...

yuP, thiz iz the generAl elective thAt i am gonnA be studyinG thiZ semezter!!

for your informAtion, i sTudied gL11 nAture appreciAtion: singApore's biRd life previouz seM...and now it'z seemz liKe nAture appreciAtion pArt II - plAnt appreciAtion~ thinK i oughT to appeAl to hAve a minoR in nAture appreciAtion!!!

hahAaa...i recAll how my jc tutoR dreAded teAching uz plAntie topicz bAck then...and now, me gonnA tAke a whoLe subject on plAntz! ;P

me perfectlY okAi with thAt....juZ wonderinG why cAn't i get my 1sT choice all the tiMe?? i wAnted to leArn about voice projectioN...yA know, all about my own vocAl chordz...lAst seM. me wAnted to leArn about yogA....i guezz it'z all fAte, i aM gonnA be a biRdie and plAntie persoN~

lessonZ are on fridAy eveningz....heNce, it doesn'T affect my lessonZ or tuition sessionZ at all - greAt!

all righT, gottA thinK abT whAt to'z restArting on mondAy! 2 dAyz' time! but me knoW me gonnA striVe and thriVe through it alL!!!



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