Thursday, July 14, 2005


beeN attending Shuzhen and shuzheNs' convo. ceremony...botH the shuzheNz from nTu and nuS...funnY thougH, but i lookd at the ceremony and the joyious feel from a corner...juZ trying to be quiet *actuAlly i felT left out...* and observant at how human beings behAve - do they even know why they are here?

if i asKed them...whAt do you think you are doing? they would hAve replied...either here to convocAte, or to celebrAte the convocAtion of a close friend or relAtive...hmM, but is thAt all?

thinK philosophicAlly, they are humAn beings running around on eArth, specificAlly on thiZ mini lAnd mAss cAlled Singapore, and even more specificAlly in the cAmpuses of nTu and nuS....but did theY even thinK so fAr, yet so neAr? do i mAke sense?! duH...

but bAck to being more humAnly, i am hAppy for them...liKe whAt jerM said, we attend their's now, and they will attend our's in 2 or 3 yeArs' time! ^o^

jerM noted how the convocAting guyz dressed...and we shAll do a similAr one, however....i felt thAT a guy doesn't ALWAYz hAve to wear a white long sleeve shirt undeneAth, i shAll be weAring my creAmy pAle blue long sleeVe shirt theN...hahA....^O^

juZ prAY thAT i cAn convocAte 3 (or mAybe 2.5 yeArz) yeArz' time!!!

optimisM iz the keY... ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

workinG hArd in my studies...


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