lecturY artZ & crAftz~
it begAn wheN hAng-ni-mah kindlY offeRed uz chewinG guM:
nice and greeN~!!! ;P
so, renatA hAz a hAbit of removinG the foiL froM the wrApper of eAch guM striP and theN pressinG and adherinG the metAllic foiL onto heR noteZ...into beAutiful shApez liKe a heArt:
i'Ve alwAyz beeN fAzcinated...and i tried to remoVe the whoLe piece of the foiL...and keeP it intAct....heRe, it'Z abouT 99% intAct:
mY 1sT foiL removAl attempT~!!!
afteR removinG the foiL....the wrApper becomeZ de-shiNed and becomeZ a plAin piece of whiTe pAper witH jAgged edgeZ...and hAng-ni-mah mAde a mini airplAne witH it...hahAa...me mAde an airplAne too! theN tizzY folded it intO a funnY shApe and dreW a smileY fAce on it:
L to R: tizzY'z smileY piece, mY plAne, hAng-ni-mah'Z plAne~
we didn'T reAlly flY the plAnez arouNd mucH... ;P
hmM...guezZed we entertAined ourselveZ witH ouR bubbLe guM - whiLe kindA knowinG whAt the lectureR wAz tAlking abouT on the evolutioN of the immuNe syzteM... hahAaa...