Friday, April 17, 2009

Henessy V.S.O.P.

whAt i tyPed lAst night whiLe drinkinG in mY rooM:

"oh my God.....the v.s.o.P. iz simplY heAvenly~! it mAkez me lAugh so mucH eveN wheN typinG thiZ entrY........."

theN i kindA couldn't contiNue typinG and juZ sAved the entrY...LOL.....

i remembeR lAughing myseLf to sleeP lAst nighT...hahAaa....^O^

and i'M gonnA scouT for thiZ kiNd of tuliP shAped glAzz to properlY enjoY mY heAvenly deliciouZ aperiTif drinK:

and no worrieZ...i don'T drinK aloT eAch tiMe...righT noW the meniscuZ in mY bottLe iz righT beloW the "V.S.O.P." ovAl stickeR on the bottLe (see the aboVe imAge)~

me slepT so mucH betteR and i hAve no hAngover effecT siNce i cAn wAke uP @ 830am feelinG greAt~

and i drinK in mY rooM - the sAfezt plAce yeA? ;P

alL for a littLe fuN~

kudoZ to v.s.o.P.~!!!!

p.S.: v.s.o.P. = verY superioR oLd pAle


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