Wednesday, April 22, 2009

dustificAtion of abAndoned dreAmz...

didn'T feeL welL todAy (actuAlly for the pAst weeK!)...stilL manAged to struggLe througH lectureZ...eveN gAve a presentAtion...and luckilY i wAz abLe to leAve lAb todAy bY ~345pM...

wheN i reAched hoMe, i snAcked on goldeN oreO dunKed in chocolAte milK...doritoZ...littLe debbie'Z - awesoMe righT?!

theN slepT bY 415pM...plAnned to wAke bY 6pM buT woKe @ 8pM insteAd...ah.......buT noW i feeL mucH betteR - sleepinG iz indeed a nAtural therApy~

anywAyz...beN remiNded me recentlY thAt one shouLd alwAyz pursue dreAmz tiL the eNd...i alwAyz kneW thAt persistenT iz a necessAry fActor for suRe..........and noW i aM motivAted to keeP workinG towArdz my beAutiful scieNtific dreAm!! ;)

and thiZ morninG...i listeNed to a sonG whiLe wAlking to schooL....:

"it'Z mY seA" bY sodAgreen...

i uzed to thinK it'Z a verY sloW sonG...uncAtchy...buT wheN i listeNed to it in detAil.....the subtlY emotionAl lyricZ toucHed me - trAnzlated:


in theZe recenT dAyz...
everythinG blAnked ouT suddenlY...

in thiZ recenT period of tiMe..
hAve i beeN awAkened bY my teArz froM my deeP sleeP...?

too mAny surpriseZ...
thAt cAn neveR coeRce me to feeL regretfuL...

too mAny hArdshipz...
thAt mAke anyone feArful of foreseeinG the futuRe...

you knoW i don'T wisH to leAve...
you knoW hoW fruztrAted i aM...
if tiMe alwAyz pAsses bY so quicklY...
hoW cAn i relY on you..?

it'Z mY seA...
in sucH a sloW infectiouZ sunnY afternooN...

wheN the seA izn'T bLue anymoRe..
alL mY abAndoned dreAmz trAnzform into dusT...

you knoW i don'T wisH to leAve...
you knoW hoW fruztrAted i aM...
if tiMe alwAyz pAsses bY so quicklY...
hoW cAn i relY on you???

you knoW i don'T wisH to leAve...
you knoW hoW fruztrAted i aM...
if tiMe alwAyz pAsses bY so quicklY...
hoW cAn i relY on you?

whAt aM i to do wheN mY teArz begiN to floW uncontrollAbly???

it'Z mY seA...
the lonelilY quieT afternooN depArtz silentlY...

the seA iz noT bLue...
i turN arouNd...buT i cAnnot reverZe whAt i'Ve doNe...

i wisH to shouT at the toP of mY voice...
i wisH thAt i trulY do noT understAnd...
i onlY wisH to feeL soMe wArmth...
in ouR heArtz...
to aVoid irreversibLe damAges...


...are soMe dreAmz juZ meAnt to be duZtified..?

where'Z mY seA...?

p.S.: foR todAy...i'M stilL listeninG to thiZ sonG.... ;)


Anonymous hua mei said...

Aiyo i heard from my sis that soda green's zhu chang went to dye his hair light pink for his new album leh. dun need to post this, just gossiping

12:56 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

whoAh reAlly?? lighT pinK eH...oK i shoW hAnd....alSo dYe lighT and brighT pinK - LOL.......juZ jokinG lAh... ;P

thAnkz for the updAte on sodAgreen! qinG1 fenG1 muZ looK gorgeouZ anyhowZ!

anywAyz...gossiP iz stilL welcoMe to be posTed! ;P

7:27 AM  

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